Player Permissions (Condo)

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Player Permissions is a menu in the condo scoreboard's My Condo tab containing various permissions, organized into 3 sections, that can be toggled for individual players. Most notably, it can be used to give moderator powers to trusted players and allow guests to build using the host's inventory. Permissions that conflict with a global rule with overrule that rule.


The Items/Building section includes permissions related to building and editing items.

Allows the selected player to edit and place any item in the Condo, regardless of who owns or placed it. This permission allows for co-op building when toggled on. (Note: Doesn't allow stashing or selling items)

Allows the selected player to stash any item, regardless of who placed it. (Note: With this disabled, the player can still stash items that they placed down.)

Allows the selected player to noclip (V key).

Allows the selected player to add new image URLs to Canvases.


The Misc section includes various miscellaneous permissions.

Allows the selected player to pause videos, seek to a specific part of videos, or skip videos on media players.

Allows the selected player to switch light switches on and off, regardless of global rules set by the host.

Allows the selected player to use their flashlight (F key), regardless of global rules set by the host.

Allows the selected player to use instruments, regardless of global rules set by the host.

Allows the selected player to eat or drink consumables, regardless of global rules set by the host.

Allows the selected player to open locked doors.


The Admin section includes permissions mostly related to server moderation.

Allows the selected player to ban other players from the Condo for a specific amount of time.

Allows the selected player to kick other players out of the Condo.

Allows the selected player to mute other players from text or voice chat.

Allows the selected player to change the Condo's join permissions and server title, as well as other players' permissions.

Allows the selected player to teleport to other players, or move other players to them.


Permissions that are planned to be added in the future, or are implemented but currently have no effect.

Allows the selected player to place or edit their own items in your Condo. Currently, you can only use the Condo host's inventory.

Allows the selected player to manage the save/load data of the condo (only for dedicated servers).

Condo Maps CondoSuiteSmooth DirtHouseHighriseUnderwaterArt StudioTheaterResortSmooth AutumnCourtyard VillaIce Moon
Creation Tools Condo InventoryI/O InventoryItem Properties MenuCondo I/OGizmosItem FinderItem SnappingAdvanced Edit ModeSurfaces
Tower Glove Quick ScalerCopycatStasherConnection ToolTargeterTransformerLocker
Condo/Player Settings OverviewDay/Night and WeatherRulesPlayer PermissionsSnapshotsCanvas DataAudit Log
Placeable Items CatsackCanvasesDoorsStringsWorkshop FurnitureLaser ProjectorMedia PlayersInstruments
Community/Other Condo HubCo-op BuildingContestsScoreboardItem Playground