Canvas Data (Condo)

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Canvas Data is a tab in the Condo scoreboard's 'My Condo' section. It shows all the custom images used in your condo, their file sizes, and their URLS. Canvas Data is separated into two sections which show the images placed on canvas items and surfaces respectively.


File Size

To the bottom right of each unique image shown is its file size. If the image is larger than 1 megabyte, a 'VERY LARGE!' warning will be placed on it. Reducing the size of canvas links can significantly increase the condo's performance for guests by reducing the amount of content needed to download while loading in. The combined file size for all images in the condo is displayed by the side of the Canvas Items and Surfaces tabs.

At the top left of the Canvas Data tab is a count of how many unique images you have in your Condo, as well as the total combined file size of them all.

Browsing Images

Images are placed in a grid on this menu along with their image link placed below for easy copying.

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