Item Playground

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The Item Playground is a mode where players can place an infinite amount of any placeable items that they own. Like Condos, they can be hosted in singleplayer, friends only, or public modes. All tools available in Condos are also available in the Item Playground (gizmos, item properties, Tower Glove, etc). However, creations made in the Item Finder cannot be saved.

The Item Playground can be found in the Condos section of the main menu. wawawawawwa


The Item Playground has one map, named Playground. It is set on a moderately large, flat field of grass, surrounded by giant clouds. One of the beach houses from the great outdoors and a lone tree are located at the center of the map.

Spawn Menu

In the Item Finder, the Condo inventory in the Q menu is replaced with the Spawn Menu. Rather than clicking and dragging to place items, just clicking will make items spawn on the nearest surface the player is directly facing. Once placed, items can be clicked and dragged around like usual.

The spawn menu



  • The beach house in the Playground is tilted at a slight angle. Setting items to a Z rotation of 78.75 degrees seems to properly align them with the house's walls.
Condo Maps CondoSuiteSmooth DirtHouseHighriseUnderwaterArt StudioTheaterResortSmooth AutumnCourtyard VillaIce Moon
Creation Tools Condo InventoryI/O InventoryItem Properties MenuCondo I/OGizmosItem FinderItem SnappingAdvanced Edit ModeSurfaces
Tower Glove Quick ScalerCopycatStasherConnection ToolTargeterTransformerLocker
Condo/Player Settings OverviewDay/Night and WeatherRulesPlayer PermissionsSnapshotsCanvas DataAudit Log
Placeable Items CatsackCanvasesDoorsStringsWorkshop FurnitureLaser ProjectorMedia PlayersInstruments
Community/Other Condo HubCo-op BuildingContestsScoreboardItem Playground