Co-op Building (Condo)

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While you are in your Condo, you can allow other players to place and edit items from your inventory.

To give a player the permission to build in your Condo, click on them in the scoreboard (Tab), and give them the Edit ALL Items permission. This will allow the player to access your inventory and place your items.

Note that they cannot use items from their own inventory, so if you plan on letting players build in your Condo, make sure you have enough items for everyone.

All building-related permissions in the Player Permissions tab are:

  • Edit ALL Items
  • Surface/IO Edit
  • Stash ALL Items
  • Noclip

See the Player Permissions page for more details on each permission.

Upcoming Features

Some upcoming features planned for co-op building are:

Condo Maps CondoSuiteSmooth DirtHouseHighriseUnderwaterArt StudioTheaterResortSmooth AutumnCourtyard VillaIce Moon
Creation Tools Condo InventoryI/O InventoryItem Properties MenuCondo I/OGizmosItem FinderItem SnappingAdvanced Edit ModeSurfaces
Tower Glove Quick ScalerCopycatStasherConnection ToolTargeterTransformerLocker
Condo/Player Settings OverviewDay/Night and WeatherRulesPlayer PermissionsSnapshotsCanvas DataAudit Log
Placeable Items CatsackCanvasesDoorsStringsWorkshop FurnitureLaser ProjectorMedia PlayersInstruments
Community/Other Condo HubCo-op BuildingContestsScoreboardItem Playground