Condo Scoreboard

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By pressing the tab button while in a condo, you can access the condo scoreboard. This scoreboard shows the players in the Condo you're in, as well as some other important features. The condo scoreboard has 5 tabs in it.

Player List

The Player List tab is the default tab that is selected when the scoreboard is opened. This shows all players in the condo that you are currently in. There are five tabs that let you see where players are easier:

  • All (all players, default tab)
  • Location (shows all players in the location you're currently in)
  • Playing (all players playing a game)
  • AFK (all AFK players)
  • Friends (all players on your Steam friends list)


The Condos tab is a list of every public condo that is currently opened. To enter a condo, click on the one you want to enter, and then click on the join button that appears below it. The condos tab shows the following information:

  • Server name (map name by default, can be changed)
  • Condo map
  • Whether it's a Workshop condo or not (Steam logo near map name)
  • Player count/max players


The Shop tab takes you to Tower Express when clicked on.


The Upload tab only appears when you are in your condo. It allows you to upload your current condo save to the Steam Workshop. See how to upload workshop condos here.

My Condo

The My Condo tab only appears when you are in your condo. It contains 7 tabs that allow you to manage and change some aspects of your condo. Each of the tabs in the My Condo tab are:

Condos CondoSuiteSmooth DirtHouseHighriseUnderwaterArt StudioTheaterResortSmooth AutumnCourtyard VillaIce Moon
Creation Tools Condo InventoryI/O InventoryItem Properties MenuCondo I/OGizmosItem FinderItem SnappingAdvanced Edit ModeSurfaces
Tower Glove Quick ScalerCopycatStasherConnection ToolTargeterTransformerLocker
Condo/Player Settings OverviewDay/Night and WeatherRulesPlayer PermissionsSnapshotsCanvas DataAudit Log
Placeable Items CatsackCanvasesDoorsStringsWorkshop FurnitureLaser ProjectorMedia PlayersInstruments
Community/Other Co-op BuildingContestsScoreboardItem Playground