Steam Workshop

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Steam Workshop support allows anyone to port models or make maps for Tower Unite.

View the Steam Workshop guidelines here.

Addon Types


Workshop furniture items are placeable objects for your condo. You can make them static objects or physics items that can be picked up.

Player Models

Player Models are character models that anyone can play as.


Vehicles are models you can use as your Accelerate kart.


You can upload your Condo saves to the Workshop for players to explore. However, other players cannot build in or edit them.

Game World Maps

You can upload condo saves as maps for a selection of Game Worlds using the Workshop Map Editor. Support for more Game Worlds is planned for future updates.

Sound Packs

Packs of .ogg files that can be used with the Workshop Sound Emitter item, available for free in the Condo IO / Game Objects inventory.


These addon types will be released in the future.

  • Pets
  • Customizable Furniture
  • Weapons
  • Wearables

In-Game Editor

Submitting a Model in the In-Game Editor.

The in-game editor allows anyone to import, preview, update and upload items for the Workshop.

In the in-game editor, you can:

  • Import .smd, .dae, and .obj files*
  • Preview items and player models
  • Upload models to the Steam Workshop
  • Change the offsets of hats for playermodels
  • Change the size of furniture
  • Change the offset of various parts of your vehicles

*.dae files are recommended for uploading workshop items.

(All models must be under 40MB large and have under 30k vertices. You can disable the 30k vertices limit if you want to.)

Upcoming Features

  • You will use in-game editing for making Workshop Game World maps
  • You will also be able to import a map using a .dat file
  • You will be able to select which materials will get turned into a media player
  • You will be able to select if the model is interactable (i.e. Being able to use it as a chair, being able to squeeze it like a plush, etc.)


There are a few achievements available related to the Steam Workshop.

This is a list of all of Steam Workshop's achievements.

  • Community Appreciation: Rate 20 workshop items.
  • Making a Vote: Rate a workshop item.
  • My Inner Self: Wear a workshop player model.