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Condos are homes and other environments which players can freely customize with placeable items. Condos can be hosted publicly for players to join, for Steam friends only, or singleplayer.

Condos can be visited and hosted via the Condo Hub and the Condos section of the main menu.

Decorating Condos

Editing the Condo

All Condos have editable surfaces and lights. Some Condos also allow the player to disable specific map objects. Hold Q, then right click on a highlighted surface, light, or map object to edit it.

The scoreboard's My Condo section also contains a few tools for editing the Condo, such as changing daytime and weather and saving snapshots. The host can also edit player permissions to allow others to edit and place items owned by the host.

Editing Items

The Condo inventory contains all of the placeable items that the player owns and is separated into two categories: Inventory for purchased/earned items and Condo IO for items which are granted for free. Click and drag one of the items off the Condo inventory and onto a nearby surface to place it down. The scroll wheel can be used to rotate the item while dragging it. While dragging, press E to toggle item snapping modes.

Items can be interacted with and edited after being placed as well. Right clicking an item will open a pop-up where the player can edit, lock, disable collisions, sell, or stash the item. Middle click will open the item's edit menu without needing to open the popup first. Left click will activate gizmos, which can be used to precisely move, rotate, and scale items. Shift-clicking items will allow multiple to be selected at once; pressing G saves them as a group. The equippable Tower Glove tool is available to all players for free, and allows the ability to quickly copy items, lock items, make IO connections, and more.

Duplicating Items

Duplicating items is a useful feature for streamlining the Condo decoration process. Duplicating requires the player to own at least one more of the item being duplicated in their inventory. There are 2 ways to duplicate items:

  1. Equip the Tower Glove, set to Copycat. Right click an item and press R to enter duplicate mode. Click to place the duplicate item.
  2. Left click on an item to activate gizmos. Alt+click and drag any of the Move arrows to copy the item.

With gizmos activated, the player can shift+click to select multiple items and move them together. The alt+click copy can duplicate entire groups of items, provided they have enough items in their inventory to duplicate the group.

Workshop Condos

Condos can be uploaded to the Steam Workshop. Players are unable to edit other players' saves, so they primarily serve as a way to view other players' creations without the original creator needing to open their Condo as a server.

To upload a Condo to the Workshop:

  • Go to the scoreboard, and click on the Upload button (only visible to the Condo host)
  • Write a title and description
  • Take 3 screenshots of the Condo (There is a special photoshoot mode for this step)
  • Add tags depending on what the building is meant to be (optional)
  • Upload to the Workshop

Condo Maps

There are currently 11 Condo maps. All players start off with 'Condo', and other Condos must be purchased at Horizon Condos with Units.

Items can be used in multiple snapshots and maps; a bed placed in Condo can still be placed down in Suite without needing to buy another, for example.

Released Condos

Upcoming Condos

Price: N/A
A version of Smooth Dirt where dirt is replaced with water.[1]

Community Condos

Community Condos are a (currently unreleased) set of features that will add a lot of improvements to condo building.

Community condos will allow players to host their condo with a dedicated server, decorate other players' condos with their own items, and adds some other features as well.

Keep track of this feature's progress here.


  • Although there is no set limit for the amount of items that can be placed, some items will stop loading for visitors at around 32,000 to 33,000.
Condo Maps CondoSuiteSmooth DirtHouseHighriseUnderwaterArt StudioTheaterResortSmooth AutumnCourtyard VillaIce Moon
Creation Tools Condo InventoryI/O InventoryItem Properties MenuCondo I/OGizmosItem FinderItem SnappingAdvanced Edit ModeSurfaces
Tower Glove Quick ScalerCopycatStasherConnection ToolTargeterTransformerLocker
Condo/Player Settings OverviewDay/Night and WeatherRulesPlayer PermissionsSnapshotsCanvas DataAudit Log
Placeable Items CatsackCanvasesDoorsStringsWorkshop FurnitureLaser ProjectorMedia PlayersInstruments
Community/Other Condo HubCo-op BuildingContestsScoreboardItem Playground