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Tower Unite features a variety of currencies spendable in various parts of the game. All currencies are listed here.

General Currencies

Unit coin symbol


Units are the primary currency used in Tower Unite. They can be earned via playing Game Worlds and most Plaza games, unlocking achievements, and selling items. Items sold in stores sell for half price, whereas items not in stores sell for their full price.

They can be used to buy items from most stores, rent private rooms at the Theater and Nightclub, play games at the Tower Casino, and purchase game tokens for the Warp Zone Arcade.

Units are displayed in the main menu, pause menu, and the bottom-left Unit HUD (Plaza and Condos only). The Unit HUD appearance can be changed in Game/HUD settings.

Arcade tickets


Tickets are earned by playing games in the Warp Zone Arcade and the Boardwalk. They can also very rarely be won from Spin to Win 2 at the Casino. They are used to purchase items from The Asteroid Belt after inserting them into a ticket eater.

Tickets are displayed above the Unit HUD while in the Arcade and at the Boardwalk. Boardwalk tickets have a special purple appearance, but currently they are the same as Arcade tickets.

A game token

Game Tokens

Game tokens are obtained by using one of the game token machines in the Warp Zone Arcade. They are used to play arcade games. Game tokens are worth 10 Units each and up to 250 of them can be held at once.

Game tokens are displayed above the Unit HUD while in the Arcade.

A sea dollar

Sea Dollars

Sea Dollars are a possible catch from fishing; specifically, fish with interesting things inside them.

They are used to adopt aquatic pets at By the Sea Shore.

Event Specific Currencies

Event specific currencies are earned in X-minute periods, which each hour is split up into. During each period, the first time you earn a Unit or ticket payout in any game (except the Casino), you will earn 1 event coin. Then, once that period ends, you can earn another. This is why sometimes coins can be rewarded back-to-back, since the first coin was earned at the end of one period, then the second was earned at the start of a new period.

Event coins can also be fished up from fish with interesting things inside them during their respective events, but they are a random drop rather than being tied to the same period system as coins earned from payouts.

An anniversary coin

Anniversary Coins

Anniversary Coins are earned during Tower Unite Anniversary events in 4-minute periods. They can be spent at Anniversary Celebrations.

During the Anniversary events, they can also be earned from Halloween Character Visit and Holiday Character Visit.

A ghoul coin

Ghoul Coins

Ghoul Coins are earned during Halloween events, in 5-minute periods. Starting on (or near) October 31st, they begin to drop in 3-minute periods until the end of the event. They can be spent at The Ghoulcery Store.

During the Halloween events, they can also be earned from Halloween Character Visit and Halloween Remains.

A holiday coin

Holiday Coins

Holiday Coins are earned during Winter Holidays events in 6-minute periods. They can be spent at Santa's Workshop.

During the Winter Holidays events, they can also be earned from Holiday Character Visit and Presents.


  • In the closed alpha versions of Tower Unite, Game Worlds didn't pay out Units, so all players had infinite Units.
    • In later versions, Game Worlds began to pay out Units, so the infinite Unit count was removed; however, players still had millions of Units until the game released in early access, at which point everyone's Unit counts were reset to 0.
  • During certain seasonal events (Winter Holiday), the Tower Unite, Lobby 1 2009, and Lobby 1 2015 Unit HUD styles change in appearance to reflect the current event.
  • Prior to Halloween 2024, Ghoul Coins dropped every 6 minutes in the first weeks of the event and every 4 minutes at the end of the event.