Escape Menu

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The escape menu (also known as the pause menu, although it doesn't actually pause the game) is a menu accessed anywhere in Tower Unite by pressing the escape key. While the right side of the menu is nearly identical to the main menu, the left side is completely different.

The escape menu has buttons to resume the game, disconnect from the server you're on, and quit to desktop, as well as several tabs.


All tabs in the escape menu.


The Plazas tab, much similar to the Plaza tab in the main menu, is a list of all open Plaza servers. You can join any of the open Plaza servers from this menu.


The Condos tab, somewhat similarly to the Condos tab in the main menu, is a list of all open Condos. You can join any of the open Condos from this menu.


The Appearance tab opens the appearance menu.


the Inventory tab opens your inventory.

Collection Book

The Collection Book tab opens your collection book.


The Settings tab opens the settings.


The help tab has a link to the official help guide and shows various trailers for Tower Unite, all of which you can view at the bottom of this wiki's main page and on the PixelTail Games YouTube channel.

Open Your Condo

The Open Your Condo tab allows you to open your Condo.

Tower Express

The Tower Express tab opens Tower Express in Steam Overlay.