Collection Book

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The Collection Book is a menu that holds information on all unlockable achievements and hidden items, as well as statistics and leaderboards. It can be accessed by pressing B anywhere in the game.


The Collection Book has 9 tabs, which are represented as bookmarks. Each tab (aside from Fish and Arcade) are separated into subcategories for each Game World and major Plaza attraction.


Achievements are challenges that reward the player with Units and EXP when completed. Each achievements' reward is ranked based on its difficulty (Bronze - 1,500U, Silver - 5,000U, Gold - 10,000U, Diamond - 25,000U).


Milestones are unique items themed around the games in Tower Unite, awarded for reaching EXP milestones. EXP is typically earned as a multiplier of the Units or Tickets earned from a payout, but for some games is instead given passively in 12 minute intervals. There are two tabs within this call Items and Trophies. These are located at the top of the page.


Badges display in the scoreboard and represent players' EXP count in each game. The maximum badge for all games is at 1,000,000 EXP.


  • Overview - Appears while playing a Game World map. Displays all achievements related to the current map.
  • Stats - Statistics for most games.
  • Leaderboards - Global leaderboards for most games. There are two tabs within this called Global and Friends. These are located at the top of the page.
  • Collectibles - Lists 'hidden' items which are not sold in stores.
  • Fish - Lists all items obtainable by fishing and all items sold at By the Sea Shore.
  • Arcade - Lists all items sold at The Asteroid Belt and all items obtainable from Pluck-a-Pal.


Click on a game's logo to see its information stored in the Collection Book.

Game Worlds

Plaza / Condo



Achievement pop-up, sound, and effects


  • Nearly all of the milestones and achievements from GMod Tower have been re-added to Tower Unite (besides ones related to copyrighted material, such as the Zelda hat achievement).
  • The Firework Launcher and Text Hat Plaza milestones were purchasable items in GMod Tower.