Collection Book/Minigames

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This page lists all Minigame-related stats and unlockables stored in the Collection Book.

EXP (Milestones, Badges, Trophies)

In Minigames, EXP is earned alongside Unit payouts at the end of minigames. EXP earned is the same as the payout.

Icon Badge EXP
Starting Out 0
Minigame Regular 100,000
Minigame Pro 200,000
Minigame Expert 300,000
Minigame Master 400,000
Minigame King 500,000
Icon Name Description Item Type EXP
Crossbow A simple crossbow with a scope. Very useful against things that don't like being stabbed by high velocity bolts. Equippable: Weapon 100,000
Throwable Fruit
Throwable Fruit Throw around fruit like a mad animal. Equippable: Weapon 200,000
Snowball Launcher Launch snowballs at an insane deadly speed. Equippable: Weapon 300,000
Magnum Known for its massive power and kickback. Equippable: Weapon 500,000
Icon Name Description Item Type EXP
Minigames: Bronze Trophy A decorative trophy. Placeable 250,000
Minigames: Silver Trophy A decorative trophy. Placeable 500,000
Minigames: Gold Trophy A decorative trophy. Placeable 750,000
Minigames: Diamond Trophy A decorative trophy. Placeable 1,000,000

Extra Item Info

  • The Throwable Fruit throws a random fruit (apple, banana, orange, or watermelon slice) each time it is thrown.
  • The Snowball Launcher has a secondary fire which shoots a burst of 5 snowballs.
  • The Magnum can be spun around by pressing R. This is only visible in the first person viewmodel.
  • The Crossbow has a functional scope.


Minigames have 11 achievements.

Icon Name Description Rewards Associated Minigame
Plaza Minigames UltimateDevourer.png
Ultimate Devourer Eat 100 fruit in Fruit Frenzy. 10,000 Units Fruit Frenzy
Plaza Minigames QuickDraw.png
Quick Draw Destroy 100 targets in Target Practice. 10,000 Units Target Practice
Plaza Minigames FloatDenier.png
Float Denier Pop 100 balloons in Balloon Burst. 10,000 Units Balloon Burst
Plaza Minigames RedBaron.png
Red Baron Down 100 planes in Plane Wars. 10,000 Units Plane Wars
Plaza Minigames SmashingPumpkins.png
Smashing Pumpkins Smash 100 pumpkins in Pumpkin Blast. 10,000 Units Pumpkin Blast
Plaza Minigames ColdKiller.png
Cold Killer Knock out 100 players in Snowball Battle. 10,000 Units Snowball Battle
Plaza Minigames AintAfraidOfNoGhost.png
I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts Blast 100 ghosts in Ghost Shoot. 10,000 Units Ghost Hunting
Plaza Minigames ReVolt.png
Re-Volt (COMING SOON) Get first place in the RC Race. None (not obtainable) RC Race
Plaza Minigames SunkTheBattleships.png
Sunk the Battleships (COMING SOON) Sink 100 RC boats in Battle Boats. None (not obtainable) Battle Boats
Plaza Minigames HeavyDrinker.png
Heavy Drinker Drink down 100 drinks in Booze Bash. 10,000 Units Booze Bash
Plaza Minigames Groovy.png
Groovy Slaughter 100 players in Chainsaw Deathmatch. 10,000 Units Chainsaw Deathmatch



Plaza Events
Arenas Minigame ArenaNahniaDeath Arena
Events: Year-round Treasure From Sea
Minigames: Year-round Balloon BurstFruit FrenzyTarget PracticeChainsaw DeathmatchPlane WarsRobot Rumble
Events: Holiday Exclusive Catsack HuntSummer Character VisitEaster Egg HuntHalloween RemainsHalloween Character VisitTrick or TreatHoliday Character VisitPresents
Minigames: Holiday Exclusive Booze BashEaster Egg ScrambleGhost HuntingFood FrenzyPumpkin BlastSnowball BattleGingerbread Smash
Collection Book Milestones, Badges, TrophiesAchievementsStatsLeaderboards