Ball Race

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Ball Race is a ball-racing Game World inspired by Super Monkey Ball.


In Ball Race, players race to the end of a series of levels by rolling around in orbs. Each level is set on a series of floating platforms, and much of the challenge of the Game World is based around learning to control the orb's slippery controls to avoid bumping into obstacles or falling off the levels.

Each player has three lives. Players can lose lives by falling off of a level or by touching certain obstacles. If one or more players reach the end of a level, everyone will move to the next one. If no one reaches the end in time, or everyone loses all of their lives, the level will need to be attempted again. If everyone loses at the second attempt, the game will move on to the next level.

Players are rewarded for reaching 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place each round. While racing is encouraged, melons scattered around the levels also encourage players to slow down or explore parts of levels that are usually ignored. There are three golden melons hidden throughout the levels of every map; collecting these for the first time will award the player with an achievement, but there is no reward for collecting them all after this.


Click on each map's image to go to its page.

Currently Playable



For map-specific achievements, view their individual pages.

Icon Name Description Reward
Ballrace Unpoppable.png
Unpoppable Complete a map without popping the ball. 5,000 Units
Ballrace Master.png
Master of Ball Race Complete 50 levels in total. 5,000 Units
Ballrace MelonMuncher.png
Melonium Eat a total of 1,000 melons. 1,500 Units
Ballrace Speedster.png
Speedster Exceed a maximum velocity of 25 m/s. 1,500 Units
Ballrace AroundTheWorld.png
Around the World Play through each Ball Race map once. 1,500 Units
Ballrace ShowOff.png
Show Off Get 1st place while playing with 4 other players. 1,500 Units


  • Ball Race is a returning Game World from GMod Tower.
  • Nimbus was the first ever Ball Race map added to Tower Unite, and was the only map in the game's first demo.
  • Event Horizon, Heavenscape, and Eruption have unique goals at the end of each level.
    • Event Horizon: black holes. Heavenscape: doorways. Eruption: glowing rings.
    • Oasis also has a unique archway goal which is only used in its final level.
  • Prism has 15 levels, currently the most out of any other Ball Race map.
Ball Race
Game Mechanics MelonsObstacles
Maps NimbusMidoriParadiseMemoriesGLXYSummitPrismKhromidroOasisEvent HorizonWoodlandsHeavenscapeEruption
Upgrades Ball ShapesMaterialsGlassPickups
Collection Book Milestones, Badges, TrophiesAchievementsStatsLeaderboards
Game Worlds
General Features Game World PortsUpgradesWorkshop Map Editor
Game Worlds Ball RaceMinigolfVirusLittle CrusadersZombie MassacreAccelerateSlaughterday Night Live
Upcoming Game Worlds Horror HillPlanet Panic! • TBA Game World