Tower Glove

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The Tower Glove is an equippable multi-tool with 8 tools to streamline the Condo creation process.


With the Tower Glove equipped, press C to open the tool selection and settings menu. While the menu is open, you can press number keys (1-8) as a shortcut to quickly switch tools.

Copycat is a function of the Tower Glove that can duplicate items and copy/paste items' properties.

How to Use

The Copycat can be used to duplicate items and copy properties to other items and surfaces. The Tower Glove's screen displays the currently selected item, its color(s), and if duplicate mode is enabled.

Copy Properties to Something Else

Right click an item or surface to select it. Then, left click on another item or surface.

Duplicate Item

Right click on an item or surface to select it. Press R to enter duplicate mode, then click on a nearby surface to duplicate the item. Duplicating requires players to have at least one more of the duplicated item in their inventory.

Tool Settings

Settings can be accessed in the tool selection menu (C).

Setting Name Description Default Setting
Copy Rotation Applies to duplicates and copied properties.
  • Off: Selected item's rotation is not transferred.
  • On: Selected item's rotation is transferred to duplicates or other items.
Copy Scale Applies to duplicates and copied properties.
  • Off: Selected item's scale is not transferred.
  • On: Selected item's scale is transferred to duplicates or other items.
Always Upright Only applies to duplicating items.
  • Off: Item is placed according to the angle it is placed in.
  • On: Item is placed upright regardless of surface angle.
Grid Snap Only applies to duplicating items. Grid size can be adjusted (1 - 100).
  • Off: Items are not snapped to a grid when being placed.
  • On: Items are snapped to a grid when the place location is being chosen.

Video Demonstration

Copycat Demonstration




  • The Tower Glove's name and appearance is a reference to Nintendo's Power Glove.
Condo Maps CondoSuiteSmooth DirtHouseHighriseUnderwaterArt StudioTheaterResortSmooth AutumnCourtyard VillaIce Moon
Creation Tools Condo InventoryI/O InventoryItem Properties MenuCondo I/OGizmosItem FinderItem SnappingAdvanced Edit ModeSurfaces
Tower Glove Quick ScalerCopycatStasherConnection ToolTargeterTransformerLocker
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