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Suite is a purchasable Condo. It can be bought at Horizon Condos for 30,000 Units.


Suite is small, and is somewhat similar in design to an apartment room. It has two floors, as well as a backyard and a small secret room.

First Floor

The door where players first load into the Suite is located in a short hallway in the first floor, just next to a staircase leading to the second floor as well as a small bathroom.

Inside the bathroom is a mirror, a long counter with two oval-shaped drop-in sinks, and a small bathtub.

Past the small hallway in the entrance is a small kitchen with a U-shaped counter, as well as some wall-mounted cupboards. The kitchen doesn't have any appliances besides a sink, but has spaces for a stove and a fridge that you can add in yourself. To the other side of the kitchen is a wide, U-shaped booth.

Past the kitchen is a square-shaped living room with an aquarium and elevated ceiling. It can be viewed from above on the balcony in the second floor. The living room has a large glass wall with a wide doorway leading to the backyard.

Second Floor

The second floor is accessed through a staircase near the area where players first spawn. It starts with a small hallway similar to the one in the first floor, but with a U-shaped closet rather than a small bathroom.

The second floor has one large room with a balcony looking down on the living room in the first floor. The ceiling is triangular, with some wooden beams with lights hanging off of them. This room also has a vent on one of the walls that, when interacted with, will take you to a small, secret room.


The backyard is accessed through a doorway in the first floor living room. The backyard has a small porch and a small, flat field of grass. The backyard is very small, similar to the other rooms in the Suite.



That New Condo - Overview Video

That New Condo - Suite


  • Suite is a remake of the suites found in Lobby 1 of GMod Tower.
    • The Resort Condo, which is a remake of Lobby 1, features many copies of this Condo in its suite lobby.
  • In GMod Tower, the shelves in the closet were originally used to physically display all of your hats and serve as a way to equip and unequip them.
    • This was removed in an update for GMT, however, and the shelves are now just used to place items on.
  • The design of Suite is based upon the Studio Loft at The Iron Blosam, located at the Snowbird ski resort in Utah.
  • By noclipping (V), you can exit the boundaries of Suite and build in the areas surrounding it.
    • You can use teleporter items to give access to these areas to players without the noclip permission.
    • You can enter the other Suites to the sides of the main Suite, though many of the surfaces inside of them are missing as they likely weren't originally intended to be accessible.
  • Suite's secret vent room wasn't present on the initial release of the condo, and was added afterwards as the side effect of a bug. The area of the wall the vent was located on originally did not have proper collision, allowing players to walk through and place items in that space. The developers added the vent room to fix the bug while still giving access to the bonus building space.
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