Adjusted with a slider. The Sun's position can be adjusted up to about 45 degrees sliding left to right.
Day/Night and Weather (Condo)
Day/Night & Weather is a menu in the condo scoreboard's My Condo tab that provides basic day/night settings and settings to enable various types of static and dynamic weather.
The Sky Volume in the Condo IO Inventory can be used in conjunction with the settings in this menu for greater control over the environment, such as sky/fog color, sunlight tint, volumetric fog, etc.
Day/Night is the first section in the Day/Night and Weather menu. You can change the time of day to progress from day to night over time, or set it to stay at a specific time, picked using a slider.
Adjusted with a slider. The Moon's position can be adjusted up to about 45 degrees sliding left to right.
Adjusts the brightness of the moon. At its minimum value, the ground becomes pitch black when unlit by light-emitting items or fog.
Weather is the second section in the Day/Night and Weather menu. It allows you to change your condo's weather: this is only available on condos with access to the outdoors.
You can change the strength of all types of weather by using sliders. You can have all weather types on simultaneously. The different types of weather are:
- Clouds - Reduces the sun's brightness and desaturates the sky. As clouds become more intense, the sun's bloom decreases and it is eventually hidden entirely at full cloudiness. The moon remains always visible, but the stars decrease in intensity before disappearing entirely.
- Fog - Casts a fog over the map which increases in density and proximity to players. Fog's color can be changed significantly by day/night, clouds, and thunder.
- Rain - Causes streaks of dark blue raindrops to rain from the sky. Their density, and the volume of the rain, changes with the slider.
- Thunder - Causes occasional thunder and flashes of lightning (frequency increases with the slider). Also gives sunlight a yellow tint, slightly desaturates the sky's horizon and darkens its zenith (maximum thunder causes the zenith to become pitch black during daytime).
- Hail - Identical to rain, but the "raindrops" are a much lighter shade of blue.
- Snow - Drops fast-falling snow particles from the sky, similar to rain and hail but silent.
- Wind - Adds a windy ambient sound which becomes muffled in interior spaces. Its volume increases with the slider.
There is a grid of 24 buttons to the right of the weather sliders which slowly transition to preset weather conditions when pressed. The speed of the transition is affected by the Weather Cycler section's Weather Transition Duration setting.
Weather Cycler
Weather Cycler is the third section in the Time/Weather menu.
Causes the Condo's weather to automatically change over time. The cycler uses the Weather section's 24 presets to pick from and will highlight the preset currently being used. The other settings in the Weather Cycler section do nothing if this is disabled.
Cycles weather by what would realistically come next (ex. clouds -> rain would be more likely to occur than sunny -> thunderstorm).
Changes the duration of the transition between different weather. 0.1 seconds to 3600 seconds.
Changes the time between changes in weather. 1 second to 3600 seconds.
Condos | ||
Condo Maps | Condo • Suite • Smooth Dirt • House • Highrise • Underwater • Art Studio • Theater • Resort • Smooth Autumn • Courtyard Villa • Ice Moon | |
Creation Tools | Condo Inventory • I/O Inventory • Item Properties Menu • Condo I/O • Gizmos • Item Finder • Item Snapping • Advanced Edit Mode • Surfaces | |
Tower Glove | Quick Scaler • Copycat • Stasher • Connection Tool • Targeter • Transformer • Locker | |
Condo/Player Settings | Overview • Day/Night and Weather • Rules • Player Permissions • Snapshots • Canvas Data • Audit Log | |
Placeable Items | Catsack • Canvases • Doors • Strings • Workshop Furniture • Laser Projector • Media Players • Instruments | |
Community/Other | Condo Hub • Co-op Building • Contests • Scoreboard • Item Playground |