Connection Tool
The Connection Tool is a function of the Tower Glove that can quickly form I/O connections between items.
How to Use
Form Connections
Left click on an item with built-in events to select it and enter 'connection mode', then click on other items to connect them. Right click to exit connection mode and stop connecting items to the first item selected.
You can use your mouse's scroll wheel before clicking an item to choose which event connections should be assigned to, or after clicking an item to choose which specific action to add. Adding the same type of action for the same item multiple times will not create duplicate actions.
Edit Connections
While not in connection mode, right click on an item with built-in events to open the Connections tab of its item properties menu. Here, you can change, remove, and duplicate actions and change the event that actions are assigned to.
Show All Connections
Press R to show all connections to the item you are currently looking at. Press R on the item again to hide the connections.