The angle that the projector is facing. You can set the angle from -95 degrees to 95 degrees.
Laser Projector
The laser projector is a complex placeable item that can be used to create custom light shows and art using presets and scripts. It can be bought at Songbirds for 25,000 Units.
How to Use
To use a laser projector, place it down, and right click on it to begin editing its properties. You can also press E on it to toggle it on and off.
Editable Properties
All editable properties for laser projectors.
Projector Settings
Settings that affect the projector itself.
The field of view of the projector; affects how narrow the projection is. You can set the field of view from 0 (straight line) to 100.
You can change the opacity of the laser beams from 1 (opaque) to 0 (invisible) by using a slider.
Projection Settings
Settings that affect what the projector projects.
You can change the shape of the projection. Default is line. Each shape is given a code consisting of the letter S and a number (S0, S1, etc.), which is used for sequences.
All available shape presets are:
- S0 - Line
- S1 - Plus
- S2 - Circle
- S3 - Square
- S4 - Heart
- S5 - Star
- S6 - Double Shifted Line
- S7 - Triple Shifted Line
- S8 - Half Circle
- S9 - Double Quarter Circle
- S10 - Square Grid
- S11 - Circular Grid
- S12 - V
- S13 - Offset Circle
- S14 - Double Offset Circle
- S15 - Offset Square
- S16 - Double Offset Square
- S17 - Sine
- S18 - Double Sine
- S19 - Double Line
You can make an expression for your laser projector using code. Similar to shapes, each expression will have a code consisting of the letter E and one number (E0, E1, etc.), which is used for sequences. Making expressions is very complex, and a detailed guide explaining how they work and how to make them can be found here:
You can make the laser projector show a repeating sequence of shapes and/or expressions that switch on an interval. The interval can be changed from 0.1 seconds to 300 seconds. To make a sequence, you have to use the code for the shape/expression you want to use, and then put in a comma (no spaces). For example, inputting "S0,S3,E0" would project a line, then a circle, and finally an expression.
You can change the size of the projection on the X and Y axes using a slider. You can also toggle animation, which makes the X or Y axis constantly change sizes. This can be used for making things like raves in your Condo.
You can rotate the projection by using a slider.
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Placeable Items | Catsack • Canvases • Doors • Strings • Workshop Furniture • Laser Projector • Media Players • Instruments | |
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