Item Finder (Condo)

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The item finder is a tool used to easily find individual items in your condo. To use it, hold Q and click the Item Finder button located at the top right corner of the screen. To close it, click on the vertical bar on the left side of the item finder menu.

Finding Items

The item finder has many tools you can use to find items easily.

Distance From Item

Next to each item on the menu is how far away you are from it, in meters.

Find Item

By clicking the Find button (magnifying glass), a marker will be placed on that item, and your view will be placed in the exact direction that the item is in. The marker will disappear when you reach the item.

Managing Items

You can manage and edit items' properties directly from the item finder.


By clicking the Lock button to the left of the item's icon, it will be locked from being moved, edited, or stashed. You can unlock it at any time.


By clicking the Edit button (palette) that appears when hovering over an item, you will edit that item's properties.


By clicking the Stash button (box), you will stash the item into your condo item inventory.


There are many ways you can easily sort and find items in the item finder.


When toggled on, all of the same item will be placed into groups rather than being displayed individually.

To open a group, click on the item group. To go back to the main page, click the Back button located at the top of the item finder menu.


You can choose between 3 sorting options:

  • Alphabetical - Sorted by A (top) to Z (bottom)
  • Distance - Sorted by distance from the item (closest = top, furthest = bottom)
  • Store - Sorted by what store the items are sold at

Search Bar

You can search an item's name to show all of that item. The search bar is located near the top of the item finder menu.

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