Snapshots (Condo)

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Snapshots is a tab in the Condo scoreboard's 'My Condo' section. It allows you to save and manage snapshots for the Condo map you are currently in.


Save New Snapshot

Click Save New Snapshot to save your current condo layout. Before you save, you will be prompted to give the save a name. Note that characters unsupported with file names also cannot be used in snapshot titles.

You can select a snapshot, then click Save New Snapshot, to more quickly overwrite snapshots.

You can save an infinite amount of snapshots (provided you don't exceed your available Steam Cloud space), meaning you can decorate the same condo multiple times while being able to go back to each save you've made.

Select and Load Snapshot

Click on a snapshot in the list to select it, then click Load to load it. This may take several minutes depending on the size of the snapshot. In some cases you may need to restart Tower Unite if it doesn't load after several minutes. Sometimes, the selected snapshot will load after restarting, but it may also just restore the state of the Condo before attempting to load.

Selecting a snapshot also displays some extra information about it, such as the date it was last saved and its file size.

Delete Snapshot

You can click the trash can at the right side of a snapshot to delete it.

Reset Condo

The Reset Condo button will completely reset day/night, weather, and surfaces in your Condo, and return all of your items to your inventory. Make sure to save a snapshot of your condo before doing this.

Back Up Snapshots

It may be a good idea to back up your snapshots from time to time to avoid corrupting or otherwise losing them. On Windows, you can manually access your Condo files at 'Local Disk > Program Files x86 > Steam > userdata > (your account ID) > 394690 > remote > condos' to copy them elsewhere.

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