Gizmos (Condo)
Gizmos are arrows that appear when you left click on an item in your Condo while the Condo inventory is open. They allow you to easily move, rotate, and scale any item in your Condo.
- Hotkey: Q
Moves the selected item. This is useful for moving items to a specific coordinate, moving them upwards, or moving them long distances.
- Hotkey: E
Rotates the selected item. Useful for rotating items in more precise angles, and rotating them in the Y and Z axes.
- Hotkey: R
Stretches items in any axis. If you click the lock icon in the gizmo menu (top right of screen), you can scale the item up uniformly in all axes.
- Hotkey: F
Snapping causes movement, rotation, and scale to be applied in increments, which can be edited in the top-right menu.
Multi-Select and Grouping
- Select: Shift + Click
- Group: G
- Ungroup: U
Multiple items can be selected and manipulated at once by shift-clicking them. Multi-selected items have a purple outline rather than the standard blue outline.
Selections of items can also be grouped together by pressing G. This will keep the items together even after closing the Gizmo menu and closing the Condo. Groups can be dragged around like individual items and duplicated with the Copycat tool.
Extra Features
Duplicate Items
Alt-clicking and dragging an arrow while in Move mode will copy the currently selected item(s).
In the top-right menu, there is a small palette icon. This opens the selected item's edit menu.
There are undo and redo buttons in the top-right menu. These can also be done at any time with F1 and F2, respectively.
The arrows' positions can be changed to global (arrows stay in the same orientation for all items) or relative (arrows rotate with the item). This only affects Move and Rotate.
Add/Subtract/Etc. From Numbers
You can use the menu that appears on the top right to input specific numbers. You can also input -, +, *, and / into the top right menu:
- Adding +(number) to the end of a number will add the inputted amount of units to the original number.
- Adding -(number) to the end of a number will subtract the inputted amount of units from the original number.
- Adding *(number) to the end of a number will multiply the original number by the inputted number.
- Adding /(number) to the end of a number will divide the original number by the inputted number.
Condos | ||
Condo Maps | Condo • Suite • Smooth Dirt • House • Highrise • Underwater • Art Studio • Theater • Resort • Smooth Autumn • Courtyard Villa • Ice Moon | |
Creation Tools | Condo Inventory • I/O Inventory • Item Properties Menu • Condo I/O • Gizmos • Item Finder • Item Snapping • Advanced Edit Mode • Surfaces | |
Tower Glove | Quick Scaler • Copycat • Stasher • Connection Tool • Targeter • Transformer • Locker | |
Condo/Player Settings | Overview • Day/Night and Weather • Rules • Player Permissions • Snapshots • Canvas Data • Audit Log | |
Placeable Items | Catsack • Canvases • Doors • Strings • Workshop Furniture • Laser Projector • Media Players • Instruments | |
Community/Other | Condo Hub • Co-op Building • Contests • Scoreboard • Item Playground |