Condo IO / Game Objects Inventory

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The Condo Inventory has a Condo IO tab which features a selection of I/O items which are given to all players for free and can be used infinitely.

Input Items

Input items can be connected to other items to trigger an output when interacted with.

Icon Name Description Properties
Basic Shape Button.png
Basic Shape Button A simple button available in a selection of basic shapes. This button can be used for Condo IO interactions.
  • Button Shape
  • Base Visibility
  • Press Prompt
Basic Lever.png
Basic Lever A basic lever with a selection of handles. This switch can be used for Condo IO interactions.
  • Button Shape
  • Auto-Reset (on/off)
    • Reset Timer
  • Base Visibility
  • Angle
Light Switch.png
Light Switch A basic light switch for home settings. This switch can be used for Condo IO interactions.
  • Auto-Reset (on/off)
    • Reset Timer
  • Base Visibility
Canvas Button.png
Canvas Button A simple button with a canvas face. This button can be used for Condo IO interactions.
  • Button Shape
  • Base Visibility
  • Press Prompt
Physics Slot.png
Physics Slot A module that grabs physics items and outputs an IO signal.
  • Automatically Eject From Slot
  • Matches Name (text input)
Hidden Button.png
Hidden Button A hidden volume that behaves like a button.
  • Press Prompt


Modules are hidden items which can affect aspects of the Condo or organize I/O connections. Modules become visible while the Condo Inventory is open for players with build permissions.

Icon Name Description Properties Events Actions
Relay Module.png
Relay Module A module with a simple input-output combination, useful for organizing connections.
  • Fire Once (toggle)
  • Color
  • Fire
  • Reset (for Fire Once toggle)
IO Counter.png
Counter Module A module that counts the amount of inputs it has received.
  • Counter Min (-2147483648 to 2147483648)
  • Counter Max (-2147483648 to 2147483648)
  • Persistent Save (toggle)
  • Show Value Always (toggle)
  • Color
  • OnReachedMax
  • OnReachedMin
  • OnChanged
  • Add (variable)
  • Subtract (variable)
  • Reset
  • Multiply (variable)
  • Divide (variable)
  • Set (variable)
IO Timer.png
Timer Module A module that activates its output after a built-in delay.
  • Duration (0 to 1800 seconds)
  • Looping (toggle)
  • Randomize (toggle)
  • Show Duration Always (toggle)
  • Color
  • OnTimerComplete
  • OnTimerStarted
  • OnTimerPaused
  • OnTimerResumed
  • OnTimerStopped
  • OnTimerChanged
  • Start
  • Pause
  • Resume
  • Stop
  • SetTime (variable)
  • Addtime (variable)
IO Toggle.png
Toggle Module A module that alternates between two outputs upon receiving an input.
  • Color
  • On
  • Off
  • Toggle
  • SetOn
  • SetOff
World Control Module.png
World Control Module A module that affects all players or the Condo itself.
  • Color
  • KillAllPlayers
Random Item.png
Random Randomly selects an output.
  • Color
  • Max Random Outputs
  • OnResult#
  • OnFired
  • Fire
Laser Beam Receiver.png
Laser Beam Receiver A placeable receiver that powers when a laser beam hits it.
  • Color
  • OnPoweredOn
  • OnPoweredOff
  • N/A


Movers are a type of module which are designed to move items (or players) around. Movers that are capable of moving items can move individual items or groups. Movers can also move other Movers.

An official guide to using Movers is provided on the PixelTail Forums.

Icon Name Description Properties Events Actions
Mover Simple.png
Mover Simple Moves items from one place to another.
Mover Path.png
Mover Path Moves items across a path.
Mover Train.png
Mover Train Moves items across like a train with station support.
Mover Player Slide.png
Mover Player Slide Slide players down a path, slide optional.


Volumes are hidden boxes which affect players and objects inside. Volumes become visible while the Condo Inventory is open for players with build permissions.

Icon Name Description Properties Events Actions
Push Volume.png
Push Volume Applies force to players within its boundaries.
  • Force
  • Angle
  • Up Angle
  • Activate
  • Deactivate
Trigger Volume.png
Trigger Volume Senses players within its boundaries.
  • Trigger Once (on/off)
  • Players Required To Trigger
  • Activate
  • Deactivate
Damage Heal Volume.png
Damage / Heal Volume Damages or heals players within its boundaries.
  • Deals Damage (on/off)
  • Damage Amount
  • Heal Amount
  • Rate of Damage/Heal Over Time (slider)
  • Activate
  • Deactivate
Size Volume.png
Size Volume Resizes players within its boundaries.
  • Player Size (slider)
  • Activate
  • Deactivate
Gravity Volume.png
Gravity Volume Affects the gravity of players within its boundaries.
  • Player Gravity (slider)
  • Activate
  • Deactivate
Blocking Volume.png
Blocking Volume A volume with customisable collision.
  • Filters (Players, Physics, Weapon, Camera)
  • Activate
  • Deactivate
Teleport Volume.png
Teleport Volume Teleports any players within its boundaries.
  • Set Target
  • Ask Permission
  • Set Exit Rotation
  • Filters (Players, Physics)
  • OnTeleport
  • OnTeleportPhysics
  • Activate
  • Deactivate
Player Movement Volume.png
Player Movement Volume Modifies the movement of players within its boundaries.
  • Walk Speed
  • Jump Height
  • Sprint Multiplier
  • Allow Jump/Sprint/Crouch
  • Activate
  • Deactivate
Comment Volume.png
Comment Volume When looking at this volume, a description will appear.
  • Comment Volume (text input)
  • Activate
  • Deactivate
Spawn Point Tag Volume.png
Spawn Point Tag Volume Sets a spawn point tag on a player which makes them only spawn at spawn points with the same tag.
  • Spawn Tag (text input)
  • Activate
  • Deactivate
Water Volume.png
Water Volume A placeable water volume that allows players to swim inside.
  • Water Type (6 options)
  • Water Friction (0.1 - 2.0)
  • Filters (players, physics)
  • Activate
  • Deactivate
Ladder Volume.png
Ladder Volume A placeable ladder volume to allow players to climb on things with.
  • N/A
  • Activate
  • Deactivate
Hit Target Volume.png
Hit Target Volume Senses when it receives damage from players.
  • Starting Health (1 - 1000000)
  • Blood Type (4 options)
  • Show Value Always (toggle)
  • Hit FX (toggle)
  • OnDeath
  • OnHurt
  • Activate
  • Deactivate
  • ResetHealth
  • AddHealth
  • TakeHealth
  • SetHealth
Sky Volume.png
Sky Volume Customize the sky, including fog, sun, sun tint, horizon/zenith colors, star colors, and time of day settings within this volume or globally. Main
  • Global (Toggle)


  • Adjust Fog (toggle)
    • Fog Intensity, Density, Falloff, View Distance (sliders)
    • Fog Color, Fog Distance Color


  • Override Sky Tint (toggle)
    • Sky Light Tint (Color wheel)
  • Adjust sky colors (toggle)
    • Horizon Color, Zenith Color, Stars Color

Time Of Day

  • Override Time Of Day (toggle)
    • Time Of Day (slider)


  • Sun Enabled (toggle)
  • Built Lighting Intensity (slider)
Post Process Volume.png
Post Process Volume Customize visual effects such as saturation, contrast, chromatic, vignette, grain, bloom, tint, pixelate, etc. within a volume or globally. Main
  • Global (Toggle)
  • Tint (Color wheel)
  • Shadows (Color wheel)
  • Intensity (slider)
  • Transition (slider)
  • Saturation (slider)
  • Contrast (slider)
  • Gain (slider)


  • Chromatic Intensity (slider)
  • Bloom Intensity (slider)
  • Grain Intensity (slider)
  • Vignette Intensity (slider)
  • Lens Flare Intensity (slider)
  • FadeIn
  • FadeOut
Location Volume.png
Location Volume Customizable location volume with various permission settings.
Dialogue Volume.png
Dialogue Volume A placeable dialogue box with camera offset feature.

Game Objects

Items which are primarily used for making games and/or Workshop Game World maps. Items that start with a Game World's name are only functional in that specific Game World.

Icon Name Description Properties Events Actions
Custom Spawn Point.png
Custom Spawn Point Sets the spawn point for the map to this location. If there are multiple, it'll randomly pick from one.
  • Spawn Tag (Text Input - Use with Spawn Point Tag Volume)
  • Checkpoint Mode (Toggle)
  • Team (5 options - currently only used for workshop maps)
  • OnPlayerSpawned
  • Activate
  • Deactivate
Player Events.png
Player Events Listens and outputs player events.
Laser Beam.png
Laser Beam A placeable laser beam that can be triggered or deal damage.
  • Set Target
  • Width (0.1 - 30)
  • Damage (Toggle) > Damage Amount (0 - 10000)
  • Stop Laser On Hit (Toggle)
  • OnTrigger
  • OnKill
  • OnHurt
  • OnBlockedStart
  • OnBlockedEnded
  • Activate
  • Deactivate
Game World Events.png
Game World Events Listens and outputs Game World events. N/A
  • OnRoundStart/End
  • OnMatchStart/End
  • OnTeamWin (A or B)
  • OnPlayer(Killed/Infected/Enraged)
  • OnBirbEaten
  • Is(Game World)
  • IsSDNL CTF / Oddball / Dino
Health Pickup.png
Health Pickup Replenishes player health, useful for both Condos and SDNL. N/A
  • OnPickedUp
  • OnRespawned
  • Hide
  • Unhide
Ammo Pickup.png
Ammo Pickup Refills ammo on all carried weapons, useful for both Condos and SDNL. N/A
  • OnPickedUp
  • OnRespawned
  • Hide
  • Unhide
Weapon Pickup.png
Weapon Pickup A pedestal that allows players to pick up the selected weapon, useful for both Condos and SDNL.
  • Weapon ('Single' mode only; select from any owned equippable items)
  • SDNL Type (Single, Random, Super, Pistol, Shotgun, Automatic, Ranged, Melee, Special)
  • OnPickedUp
  • OnRespawned
  • Hide
  • Unhide
SDNL Armor Pickup Item.png
SDNL Armor Pickup Gives the player armor points on top of their health, useful for SDNL. N/A
  • OnPickedUp
  • OnRespawned
  • Hide
  • Unhide
SDNL Flag Item.png
SDNL Flag Spawner for Team Flags in SDNL
  • Team (Unassigned, Vipers, Dragons)
  • OnPickedUp
  • OnRespawned
  • Hide
  • Unhide
SDNL Oddball Item.png
SDNL Oddball Spawner for the Oddball in SDNL. N/A
  • OnPickedUp
  • OnRespawned
  • Hide
  • Unhide

Unfinished Items

These are currently unfinished and nonfunctional, but can be placed down anyway.

Icon Name Description Properties Events Actions
IO AND.png
Logic AND Gate A module that triggers its output once both inputs are activated. Color TBA TBA
IO OR.png
Logic OR Gate A module that triggers its output once at least one input is activated. Color TBA TBA
IO XOR.png
Logic XOR Gate A module that will trigger its output when only one input is activated. Color TBA TBA
IO NOT.png
Logic NOT Gate A module that inverts the signal of the input and outputs it. Color TBA TBA
Ball Race Spawn.png
Ball Race Spawn A player starting position in each Ball Race course.
  • Level (1 - 99)
  • Is Bonus Level (Toggle)
  • Hide
  • Unhide
Ball Race Finish.png
Ball Race Finish A player's end goal for each Ball Race course.
  • Style (1 - 7)
  • Hide
  • Unhide
Condos CondoSuiteSmooth DirtHouseHighriseUnderwaterArt StudioTheaterResortSmooth AutumnCourtyard VillaIce Moon
Creation Tools Condo InventoryI/O InventoryItem Properties MenuCondo I/OGizmosItem FinderItem SnappingAdvanced Edit ModeSurfaces
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