Art Studio

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Art Studio is a purchasable Condo. It can be bought at Horizon Condos for 20,000 Units.


Art Studio is a small studio with 3 rooms. It does not have an exterior.

Players spawn in a lounge in the second floor of the studio. It is rectangular in shape, and has four windows on the two longest walls facing the two other rooms. Both other rooms are similar in size and shape, and are accessed through two spiral staircases on either side of the lounge.

The photo/video room is the room to the right of the spawn point. It is rectangular in shape, and has a paper screen covering one of the walls and extending further to the floor.

The recording room is the room to the left of the spawn point. It is rectangular in shape, similar to the photo/video room, but has a slightly angled wall. The recording room does not have a screen.



  • Turning off every light in this condo will grant you the achievement, "Lights Out."
  • Art Studio was created using materials from the husk of a dead mall that was about to be foreclosed.
    • All possible compromises were made during the construction.
Condo Maps CondoSuiteSmooth DirtHouseHighriseUnderwaterArt StudioTheaterResortSmooth AutumnCourtyard VillaIce Moon
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