Collection Book/Accelerate

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This page lists all Accelerate-related stats and unlockables stored in the Collection Book.

EXP (Milestones, Badges, Trophies)

In Accelerate, EXP is earned alongside Unit payouts at the end of rounds. EXP earned is 1.5x the payout.

Accelerate currently has no milestones or trophies, although they are planned for a future update.[1]

Icon Badge EXP
Pitstop 0
Burnout 100,000
Drifter 200,000
Nitrous 300,000
Turbo 400,000
Supersonic 500,000
Road Runner 600,000
Lightning 800,000
Speedracer 1,000,000


Icon Name Description Rewards Associated Map
Accelerate TestDummy.png
Test Dummy Get hit by 15 items. 1,500 Units None
Accelerate DemolitionDerby.png
Destruction Derby Hit 80 players with items. 10,000 Units None
Accelerate Champion.png
Champion Be first in 50 races. 25,000 Units None
Accelerate Speed.png
Speed Use melon boosts 30 times. 1,500 Units None
Accelerate Protected.png
Protected Grab an item using the Birb Shield. 1,500 Units None
Accelerate Tipsy.png
Tipsy Drive while drunk. 1,500 Units None
Accelerate Bumpin.png
Bumpin' Bump 15 players with bumpers. 5,000 Units None
Accelerate NiceIn.png
Nice In! Sink 15 players in golf holes. 1,500 Units None
Accelerate Strike.png
Strike! Hit 20 players with homing bowling balls. 1,500 Units None
Accelerate Pinhead.png
Who You Callin' Pinhead? Block 15 items with pin shield. 5,000 Units None
Accelerate LunarEclipse.png
Lunar Eclipse Hit players with the moon power 5 times. 1,500 Units None
Accelerate SolarEclipse.png
Solar Eclipse Hit players with the sun 5 times. 1,500 Units None
Accelerate MaximumDrift.png
Maximum Drift Drift for more than 8 seconds without being interrupted. 1,500 Units None
Accelerate BedzoomCompleted.png
Bedzoom Completed Race through Bedzoom. 1,500 Units Bedzoom
Accelerate BedzoomTrophy.png
Bedzoom Trophy Race through Bedzoom and place 1st with more than 4 players. 5,000 Units Bedzoom
Accelerate BedzoomMastered.png
Bedzoom Mastered Race through Bedzoom 20 times. 10,000 Units Bedzoom
Accelerate PineValleyCompleted.png
Criss-Cross Rapids Completed Race through Criss-Cross Rapids. 1,500 Units Criss-Cross Rapids
Accelerate PineValleyTrophy.png
Criss-Cross Rapids Trophy Race through Criss-Cross Rapids and place 1st with more than 4 players. 5,000 Units Criss-Cross Rapids
Accelerate PineValleyMastered.png
Criss-Cross Rapids Mastered Race through Criss-Cross Rapids 20 times. 10,000 Units Criss-Cross Rapids
Accelerate BedzoomCompleted.png
Hallway Raceway Completed Race through Hallway Raceway. 1,500 Units Hallway Raceway
Accelerate BedzoomTrophy.png
Hallway Raceway Trophy Race through Hallway Raceway and place 1st with more than 4 players. 5,000 Units Hallway Raceway
Accelerate BedzoomMastered.png
Hallway Raceway Mastered Race through Hallway Raceway 20 times. 10,000 Units Hallway Raceway
Accelerate PineValleyCompleted.png
Pine Valley Completed Race through Pine Valley. 1,500 Units Pine Valley
Accelerate PineValleyTrophy.png
Pine Valley Trophy Race through Pine Valley and place 1st with more than 4 players. 5,000 Units Pine Valley
Accelerate PineValleyMastered.png
Pine Valley Mastered Race through Pine Valley 20 times. 10,000 Units Pine Valley
Accelerate IslandCompleted.png
Riptide Retreat Completed Race through Riptide Retreat. 1,500 Units Riptide Retreat
Accelerate IslandTrophy.png
Riptide Retreat Trophy Race through Riptide Retreat and place 1st with more than 4 players. 5,000 Units Riptide Retreat
Accelerate IslandMastered.png
Riptide Retreat Mastered Race through Riptide Retreat 20 times. 10,000 Units Riptide Retreat
Accelerate IslandCompleted.png
Sunrise Isles Completed Race through Sunrise Isles. 1,500 Units Sunrise Isles
Accelerate IslandTrophy.png
Sunrise Isles Trophy Race through Sunrise Isles and place 1st with more than 4 players. 5,000 Units Sunrise Isles
Accelerate IslandMastered.png
Sunrise Isles Mastered Race through Sunrise Isles 20 times. 10,000 Units Sunrise Isles
Accelerate WishyWashyCompleted.png
Wishy Washy Waterfall Completed Race through Wishy Washy Waterfall. 1,500 Units Wishy Washy Waterfall
Accelerate WishyWashyTrophy.png
Wishy Washy Waterfall Trophy Race through Wishy Washy Waterfall and place 1st with more than 4 players. 5,000 Units Wishy Washy Waterfall
Accelerate WishyWashyMastered.png
Wishy Washy Waterfall Mastered Race through Wishy Washy Waterfall 20 times. 10,000 Units Wishy Washy Waterfall


  • General
    • Placed in First
    • Drift Time
    • Items Grabbed
  • Items
    • Damaged by Items
    • Hit Players
    • Melon Boosts Used
    • Birb Shield Grabs
    • Drinks Drunk
    • Bumper Hits
    • Golf Hole Sinks
    • Homing Bowling Ball Hits
    • Pin Shield Blocks
    • Moon Power Hits
    • Sun Hits


Features ControlsItemsDrifting
Maps (released) Pine ValleyCriss-Cross RapidsBedzoomHallway RacewaySunrise IslesRiptide RetreatWishy Washy WaterfallHolly Jolly Highway
Maps (upcoming) MoonCityArchenemypelago
Upgrades TBA
Collection Book Milestones, Badges, TrophiesAchievementsStatsLeaderboards