Collection Book/The Plaza

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This page lists all Plaza-related stats and unlockables stored in the Collection Book.

EXP (Milestones, Badges, Trophies)

In the Plaza, EXP is earned passively by playing. Every 12 minutes, you will gain 2,500 Plaza EXP. The Plaza has no trophies.

Icon Badge EXP
Newbie 0
Acquainted 250,000
Regular 500,000
Familiar 750,000
Respected 1,000,000
Icon Name Description Item Type EXP
Firework Launcher Launch fireworks a plenty with this home-made device. Note: Fire hazard Equippable: Weapon 100,000
Text Hat Display text above your head. Equippable 200,000
Gold Jetpack This jetpack is made of real gold. Equippable: Jetpack 300,000
Player Glow Surround yourself in a colorful glow. Equippable: Unfinished 400,000
Miniature Ferris Wheel A miniature ferris wheel that you can ride. Placeable 500,000
Miniature Poseidon The famous Poseidon roller coaster as a miniature. Placeable 800,000
Diamond Jetpack Show off your status with this glowing jetpack. Equippable: Jetpack 1,000,000
Beauty Cone Shine bright. Wearable: Particle 1,500,000


The Plaza has 18 achievements. The achievement count is higher in the Collection Book since the Halloween achievements are also included in the Plaza achievements tab.

Icon Name Description Rewards
Plaza TowerAddiction.png
Tower Addiction Play on Plaza for 7 days total. 25,000 Units
Plaza HumanBlur.png
Human Blur Fall from the top of Project 12 and land on the fountain without a jetpack. 1,500 Units
Plaza SkeletonRP.png
Skeleton RP Roleplay as a skeleton. 1,500 Units
Plaza JumpingJackRabbit.png
Jumping Jack Rabbit Jump 200,000 times in total in the Plaza. 25,000 Units
Plaza BestPickupLine.png
Best Pickup Line Speak to any store attendant while drunk. 1,500 Units
Plaza StoreFixation.png
Store Fixation Talk to store attendants 250 times. 5,000 Units
Plaza SmartInvestor.png
"Smart" Investor Spend a total of 10,000 Units on beer. 5,000 Units
Plaza HoleInYourPocket.png
Hole In Your Pocket Spend a total of 50,000 Units. 5,000 Units
Plaza Socialite.png
Socialite Talk to every single store attendant. 1,500 Units
Plaza Explorer.png
Explorer Find all the markers around the map. 5,000 Units
Plaza Photographer.png
Photographer Find and take pictures of each photo shoot spot. 1,500 Units
Plaza CanSeeMyHouse.png
I Can See My House From Here Use a view finder. 1,500 Units
Plaza BehindTheScenes.png
Behind The Scenes Find the hidden Dev HQ. 1,500 Units
Plaza StuffedDiscovery.png
Stuffed Discovery Find all the hidden stuffed animals. 5,000 Units
Plaza RideTheCoaster.png
Ride The Coaster Ride the Poseidon coaster. 1,500 Units
Plaza CoasterAddict.png
Coaster Addict Ride the Poseidon coaster 10 times. 1,500 Units
Plaza ItsAParty.png
It's a Party! Play in Plaza with 4 or more friends at once for more than 15 minutes. 1,500 Units


*The Upgrades Visits stat does not increment, most likely because there isn't one specific store for purchasing Upgrades.


The Plaza
Notable Locations TowerMain Plaza SquareStoresCondo HubGame World PortsMonorailThe Great OutdoorsMinigame Arena
Buildings and Attractions Warp Zone ArcadeTower CasinoBoardwalkPlaza EventsDark VoyageTriviaTheaterVolt NightclubLaser TagBowlingTyping DerbyFishing
Seasonal Events EasterSummerTower Unite AnniversaryHalloweenWinter Holidays
Collection Book PlazaArcadeCasinoFishingPlaza EventsBowlingLaser TagTheaterNightclubTriviaDark VoyageHalloween
Upcoming Content Dueling Arena