Bumper Cars

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Bumper Cars is a playable attraction on the Plaza's boardwalk. Much like its real-life equivalent, players compete to earn points by bumping into each others' cars.


Bumper Cars starts after two players have queued up; after the round starts, other players can join in mid-round. Each game is 1 minute and 30 seconds long.


In Bumper Cars, players earn points by hitting opponents' cars. Bumps to the back of a car ('Back Bumps') are worth 150 points, bumps to the side ('Side Bumps') are worth 200, and a bump that doesn't count as a Back or Side bump is worth 100 points. Bumps occasionally won't reward points, although it's unclear what causes this.

After the game has concluded, your final score is converted into Units on top of a 250-Unit 'Thanks for Playing' bonus. Unlike many other competitive games, there is no bonus for placement (2nd, 3rd, 4th or below, etc.).

Controls & Dashing

The cars move somewhat slowly, but pressing space will cause them to quickly dash forward. There is a cooldown between dashes, indicated by a green/red circular recharge bar at the bottom-center of the screen.


Each player has 200 HP, represented as a line of 10 bars below the dash recharge ring in the bottom-center region of the HUD. Successfully bumping opponents deals 15 damage.

At the last two bars of health (~40 and below), the damaged player's car will begin to move slower and smoke will billow out from the back. If a car is knocked down to its minimum health (1), there is no penalty and its health will reset to full after roughly 2 seconds.

Associated Collection Book Information


Icon Name Description Reward
Dizzy and Bruised Bump 150 times in Bumper Cars. 10,000 Units
Stylin' Customize your Bumper Car. 1,500 Units
There Can Only Be One Win against 3 other players in Bumper Cars. 10,000 Units


Customization & Upgrade Store

Players can change the color of their bumper car for free. The color of the exterior, interior, and headlights are all separately customizable. Besides changing colors, players can also purchase four types of cosmetic upgrade which can be mixed and matched: Paintjobs, Antenna Toppers, Horns, and Lights. The upgrade store for Bumper Cars is located in front of the Bumper Cars arena.

A full list of upgrades can be seen in a public item spreadsheet and the table below.

Upgrade Store Selection
Icon Name Description
Unit Cost
Drifter Bumper Car Paintjob.png
Drifter Bumper Car Paintjob After a crazy night, this bumper car woke up with tattoos they don't know the meaning of. 10,000 Paintjob
Racing Bumper Car Paintjob.png
Racing Bumper Car Paintjob The stripes make this car go faster. 10,000 Paintjob
Flamin' Red Bumper Car Paintjob.png
Flamin' Red Bumper Car Paintjob On its journey to find the best Drivers, Drive-Ins, and Dives. 15,000 Paintjob
Flamin' Green Bumper Car Paintjob.png
Flamin' Green Bumper Car Paintjob When a flame's green, something spooky is afoot. 15,000 Paintjob
Flamin' Blue Bumper Car Paintjob.png
Flamin' Blue Bumper Car Paintjob "A flame that's blue is cooler, but yet it's hotter." - Confucius (probably) 15,000 Paintjob
Metallic Bumper Car Paintjob.png
Metallic Bumper Car Paintjob *';Sparkle Sparkle;'* 20,000 Paintjob
Rusty Bumper Car Paintjob.png
Rusty Bumper Car Paintjob This rust-bucket is veteran, these scars are signs of survival not weakness. 20,000 Paintjob
Harlequin Bumper Car Paintjob.png
Harlequin Bumper Car Paintjob Checker? I hardly know her! 15,000 Paintjob
Gradient Bumper Car Paintjob.png
Gradient Bumper Car Paintjob The fashionable aftermath of running over a comic strip character. 10,000 Paintjob
Waveform Bumper Car Paintjob.png
Waveform Bumper Car Paintjob Approaching sound barrier! 10,000 Paintjob
Bumper Car Horn Icon.png
Sedan Bumper Car Horn One more way to say "Move over sistah!" 5,000 Horn
Bumper Car Horn Icon.png
Truck Bumper Car Horn Feel the road rage! 5,000 Horn
Bumper Car Horn Icon.png
Bicycle Bumper Car Horn Only the squeakiest horns for this bumper car. 5,000 Horn
Bumper Car Horn Icon.png
Antique Bumper Car Horn Crank it up, grandma! 7,500 Horn
Bumper Car Horn Icon.png
Ice Cream Bumper Car Horn Ding-a-ling come get yer ice cream. 10,000 Horn
Bumper Car Horn Icon.png
Foghorn Bumper Car Horn Lost in some fog, searching for another ship? 7,500 Horn
Bumper Car Horn Icon.png
Awooga Bumper Car Horn Perfect for when your eyes extend out of their sockets and your tongue rolls onto the floor. 15,000 Horn
Bumper Car Horn Icon.png
Mariachi Bumper Car Horn If only there were pinatas in bumper cars. 10,000 Horn
Bumper Car Horn Icon.png
Cartoon Bumper Car Horn Does not grant bumper cars amazing elastic abilities. 7,500 Horn
Bumper Car Horn Icon.png
Vocal Bumper Car Horn Meep meep! 10,000 Horn
Antenna Topper Skull.png
Antenna Topper Skull AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH!!!!! 8,000 Antenna Topper
Antenna Topper Ducky.png
Antenna Topper Ducky Bumper ducky, you're the one. 8,000 Antenna Topper
Antenna Topper Catsack.png
Antenna Topper Catsack Does it like doing this? 10,000 Antenna Topper
Antenna Topper Smiler.png
Antenna Topper Smiler This sick freak LOVES watching car wrecks. 8,000 Antenna Topper
Antenna Topper Rainbow.png
Antenna Topper Rainbow Compel enemies to look directly into the orb. 15,000 Antenna Topper
Antenna Topper Traffic Cone.png
Antenna Topper Traffic Cone Perhaps this will convince enemies to steer clear? 5,000 Antenna Topper
Antenna Topper Bobber.png
Antenna Topper Bobber I'd rather be fishing. 10,000 Antenna Topper
Antenna Topper Golf Ball.png
Antenna Topper Golf Ball Show your affinity for minigolf while giving your friends whiplash! 10,000 Antenna Topper
Antenna Topper Melon.png
Antenna Topper Melon It was originally a full melon, but SOMEONE got a little hungry. 8,000 Antenna Topper
Antenna Topper Lightbulb.png
Antenna Topper Lightbulb Blind the opposition! 15,000 Antenna Topper
Antenna Topper Cotton Candy.png
Antenna Topper Cotton Candy A treat for the bumper car. 12,000 Antenna Topper
Antenna Topper Corn Dog.png
Antenna Topper Corn Dog Now you can eat your corn dog AND keep your hands on the wheel! 5,000 Antenna Topper
Antenna Topper Weiner.png
Antenna Topper Weiner Ready for the weenie roast! 5,000 Antenna Topper
Antenna Topper Marshmallow Gather round the campfire for some bumper car multitasking. 5,000 Antenna Topper
Antenna Topper Jimmy Joystick.png
Antenna Topper Jimmy Joystick Jimmy's always watching. 10,000 Antenna Topper
Antenna Topper Urchin.png
Antenna Topper Urchin Bring some real toxicity into the competition. 8,000 Antenna Topper
Bumper Car Light Icon.png
Bumper Car Underlight Reverse-engineered from the crash at Roswell. 15,000 Light
Bumper Car Light Icon.png
Bumper Car Spotlight Let everyone know who's center-stage. 25,000 Light
Bumper Car Light Icon.png
Bumper Car Broken Lights For the small price of a precision hammer strike. 5,000 Light
Antenna Topper Flag.png
Antenna Topper Flag Ride like the Windrammer as you truck. 10,000 Antenna Topper
Antenna Topper Heart.png
Antenna Topper Heart Share your love of the road. 10,000 Antenna Topper


  • In version, Bumper Cars' original player cap of 8 was not enforced, potentially allowing a full Plaza server to play Bumper Cars at the same time.
    • The player cap was increased to 12 in the patch that fixed this.
  • Besides pressing on the floating queue screen, you can also walk into the arena and enter one of the Bumper Cars to queue for a game.
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