The Stray

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The Stray is a store that sells mysterious items and useful tools such as catsacks, size potions, and metal detectors. The Stray's cashier is Kalleira, a talking cat.


The Stray is located in the lighthouse in the great outdoors.


The Stray cannot be found on Tower Express.

Icon Name Description
Unit Cost
Item Type
Catsack What could possibly inside this mysterious cat sack? 1,000 Placeable: Redeemable
Silver Catsack What could possibly inside this even more mysterious cat sack? 10,000 Placeable: Redeemable
Dragon Egg.png
Dragon Egg A legendary dragon egg, its heavy shell conceals untold power within. 10,000 Placeable: Redeemable
Large Potion Become large with this magical drink. 1,000 Equippable: Size Potion
Medium Potion Lose a little height with this magical drink. 500 Equippable: Size Potion
Normal Potion Drank some weird size potion? This drink will reverse it. 150 Equippable: Size Potion
Painkillers Drunk? Take some of these to remove the effects. 50 Placeable
Potion Bottle.png
Potion Bottle Decorative bottles of active potion run-off. 600 Placeable
Slightly Bigger Potion Be a little bit taller with this magical drink. 500 Equippable: Size Potion
Small Potion Become small with this magical drink. 1,000 Equippable: Size Potion
Tiny Potion Become extremely small with this magical drink. 2,500 Equippable: Size Potion
Magic Trampoline Travel by bounce. 30,000 Equippable
MetalDetector 01600.png
Metal Detector With this fancy tool, find hidden treasures in the sand. Or just annoy friends with its constant beeping. 5,000 Equippable


  • Kalleira has a crush on the moon.
    • This is revealed in some of her dialogue. She has a picture frame of the moon in the Stray as well.
West/East Stores (Uses Units) Sweet Suite FurnishingsHorizon CondosD.I.Y.Tower ThreadsXxF3RR3TxX's Customization StationRob's ImportsCentral CircuitThe Toy StopSongbirdsVroomspeed Auto DealershipSeasons
Boardwalk (Uses Units) CelebrationsFresh Food and SmoothiesGone Fishin' Bait ShopFranky's GrillSnack BarBumper Cars Upgrades
The Great Outdoors (Uses Units) The StrayOasis
Other Buildings (Uses Units) TheaterThe Pop StopBowling Pro ShopVolt NightclubProject 12Uncle Muscle's Big Pizza ParlorThe Freezing PointBall Race UpgradesMinigolf UpgradesLittle Crusaders Upgrades
Uses Other Currency By the Sea Shore (Sea Dollars)The Asteroid Belt (Tickets)The Ghoulcery Store (Ghoul Coins)Santa's Workshop (Holiday Coins)Anniversary Celebrations (Anniversary Coins)