Collection Book/Arcade

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This page lists all Arcade-related stats and unlockables stored in the Collection Book.

EXP (Milestones, Badges, Trophies)

In the Arcade, EXP is earned alongside ticket payouts from games. EXP earned is 0.5x the payout.

Icon Badge EXP
Blip 0
Pixel 100,000
Sprite 200,000
8-Bit 300,000
16-Bit 400,000
32-Bit 500,000
Mode 7 600,000
64-Bit 800,000
Retro Master 1,000,000
Icon Name Description Item Type EXP
Throwable Arcade Ball Alley rolling on the go. Equippable: Weapon 100,000
Whack-a-Mole Hammer Smack foes with the hammer ripped from the machine. Equippable: Weapon 200,000
Throwable Basketball Shoot hoops anywhere you want. Equippable: Weapon 300,000
Score Light Taken straight from the top of an arcade machine. Wearable: Hat 400,000
Meteoroid Shower Your own personal armageddon. Wearable: Particle 500,000
Pluck-a-Pal Crane Grab from a longer distance. Equippable: Unfinished 600,000
Throwable Plushy Throw various plushies from Pluck-a-Pal. Press reload to change plushy. Equippable: Weapon 700,000
Lonely Gun Bullet Become Lonely Gun. Equippable: Unfinished 800,000
Ticket Particles Surround yourself in tickets. Wearable: Particle 900,000
No Icon Ticket Gun Litter the floors with tickets. Equippable: Unfinished 1,000,000
Icon Name Description Item Type EXP
ArcadeBronzeTrophy (1).png
Arcade: Bronze Trophy A decorative trophy. Placeable 250,000
Arcade: Silver Trophy A decorative trophy. Placeable 500,000
Arcade: Gold Trophy A decorative trophy. Placeable 750,000
Arcade: Diamond Trophy A decorative trophy. Placeable 1,000,000


The Arcade has 75 achievements.

Achievements (VERY LONG)
Icon Name Description Rewards Associated Game
Arcade PixelCuraserPhaseOne.png
Pixel Crusader (Phase One) (COMING SOON) Play and earn at least 15 tickets from each of the arcade games in phase one in one game. None; not unlockable None
AV SnowedIn.png
Snowed In Knock down 50 blue catsacks total in Avalanche. 5,000 Units Avalanche
AV ItsAnAvalanche.png
It's An Avalanche! Get the bonus in Avalanche. 10,000 Units Avalanche
BB LeavingEarlyAccess.png
Leaving Early Access Destroy over 250 bugs total in Bug Bytes. 1,500 Units Bug Bytes
BB Overtime.png
This Is The Thanks I Get For Working Overtime Personally destroy more than 30 bugs in a single game of Bug Bytes. 5,000 Units Bug Bytes
CS Carbs.png
Mmmm Look At All Those Carbohydrates Finish with at least 450 points in Candy Slam. 1,500 Units Candy Slam
CS RottenTeeth.png
Rotten Teeth Score 5,000 or more points in total in Candy Slam. 5,000 Units Candy Slam
CR River.png
River, that's R-I-V-E-R! Spell out RIVER! in Coin River to activate the coin gun. 1,500 Units Coin River
CR PotOfGold.png
Didn't Need a Rainbow to Find Me a Pot of Gold Score a bucket of gold in Coin River. 5,000 Units Coin River
CR RainingCoins.png
It's Raining Gold Shoot 100 or more gold coins in total in Coin River. 10,000 Units Coin River
WH PinkSeason.png
It's Pink Season Place a winning bet on the color pink in Whose Hue. 10,000 Units Coloracle 2: Whose Hue?
WH MyHue.png
My Hue! Place 10 winning bets on any color in Whose Hue. 1,500 Units Coloracle 2: Whose Hue?
No Icon Dead Gunslinger Score over 2,500 points in the shooting gallery, Corn of the Dead. 5,000 Units Corn of the Dead
DZ MissedItByThatMuch.png
Missed It By That Much Land one spot away from the jackpot in Dizzy. 1,500 Units Dizzy
DZ PerfectStorm.png
Perfect Storm Land on the jackpot in Dizzy. 5,000 Units Dizzy
DZ CaptainOfTheSea.png
Captain Of The Sea Land 5 jackpots in Dizzy. 10,000 Units Dizzy
DT GemsAllLinedUp.png
All The Gems Are Lined Up Light up all the gems in Dragon's Treasure. 1,500 Units Dragon's Treasure
DT HereBeDragons.png
Here Be Dragons Summon the dragon in Dragon's Treasure. 5,000 Units Dragon's Treasure
DT ChestDay.png
Today is Chest Day Score 10 or more treasure chests in total in Dragon's Treasure. 10,000 Units Dragon's Treasure
GoC WheelInTheSky.png
The Wheel In The Sky Keeps On Spinning Land a jackpot in Gears of Coin. 1,500 Units Gears of Coin
GoC WarOfGears.png
War of Gears Score 5,000 or more points total in Gears of Coin. 5,000 Units Gears of Coin
GoC CoinCon.png
Gears of Con Land a jackpot while in triple mode in Gears of Coin. Jackpots are not actually tripled. 10,000 Units Gears of Coin
LB Delicious.png
Delicious! Toss the ball into the bird basket 10 times total in Little Birde Feeders. 5,000 Units Little Birde Feeders
LB KnightOfTheBirds.png
Knight of the Bird Get over 3,000 points in a single game of Little Birde Feeders. 5,000 Units Little Birde Feeders
LB SweetSnacks.png
Sweet Snacks Toss the ball into the bird basket 5 times in a single game of Little Birde Feeders. 10,000 Units Little Birde Feeders
LG JudgeJuryExecutioner.png
Judge Jury Executioner Complete all 4 rounds with less than 15 seconds on the clock in Lonely Gun. 10,000 Units Lonely Gun 30XX
LG TotalEfficiency.png
Total Efficiency Clear all the targets in a single game without wasting a bullet in Lonely Gun. 10,000 Units Lonely Gun 30XX
LG CourtsAdjourned.png
Courts Adjourned Clear the final round in less than 3 seconds in Lonely Gun. 10,000 Units Lonely Gun 30XX
LG LonelyGun.png
The Lonely Gun Shoot down over 150 targets total in Lonely Gun. 5,000 Units Lonely Gun 30XX
MF StrongMan.png
Strongman Hit the hammer with 90% or more power in Mas Fuerte 2K. 5,000 Units Mas Fuerte 2K
MF StrongerMan.png
Stronger Harder Better Hit the hammer with 90% or more power on both rounds in Mas Fuerte 2K. 25,000 Units Mas Fuerte 2K
MM Armageddon.png
Armageddon Get 5 bonus wheel spins in total in Meteoroid Mania. 10,000 Units Meteoroid Mania
MM EndOfTheWorld.png
It's The End Of The World As We Know It Win over 3,000 points in a single game of Meteoroid Mania. 5,000 Units Meteoroid Mania
MT BigBrainMoment.png
Big Brain Moment Expand your mind and become a genius in Mind Tester. 1,500 Units Mind Tester
MT DangerHighVoltage.png
Danger! High Voltage! Shock your mind and body in Mind Tester. 1,500 Units Mind Tester
NA ActionReaction.png
Action Reaction Collect all the apples in a single game of Newton's Apples. 10,000 Units Newton's Apples
NA WhoNeedsGravity.png
Who Needs Gravity Anyway? Collect 500 apples total in Newton's Apples. 1,500 Units Newton's Apples
PP PianoMan.png
Play Me A Tune, Piano Man Pass 300 notes in a single game of Planetary Piano. 10,000 Units Captain Calypso's Planetary Piano
PP ModernBeethoven.png
Modern Beethoven Pass over 5,000 notes total in Planetary Piano. 1,500 Units Captain Calypso's Planetary Piano
PP IllBeTakingThat.png
Thanks For Playing, I'll Be Taking That Steal your opponent's score in Planetary Piano's multiplayer Sprint 64 mode. 1,500 Units Captain Calypso's Planetary Piano
PP HavingAKeyStroke.png
I'm Having a Key Stroke Play a perfect game of 4-Key Sprint 64 in Planetary Piano within eight seconds. 10,000 Units Captain Calypso's Planetary Piano
PP ThatsALotOfNotes.png
That's a Lot Of Notes! Play a perfect game of 8-Key Sprint 64 in Planetary Piano. 25,000 Units Captain Calypso's Planetary Piano
PaP Friend.png
Friendship Pluck 15 pals in Pluck-a-Pal. 5,000 Units Pluck-a-Pal
PaP FIsForFriends.png
F Is For Friends Pluck a pal in Pluck-a-Pal. 1,500 Units Pluck-a-Pal
PaP VIP.png
VIP (Very Important Pal) Pluck a rare pal in Pluck-a-Pal. 10,000 Units Pluck-a-Pal
P Amazing.png
A-MAZE-ING Get a bonus ball drop in Prismatic. 1,500 Units Prismatic
P LifesAMaze.png
Life's a Maze Score 5,000 or more points total in Prismatic. 5,000 Units Prismatic
RG RingDeity.png
Deity Of Rings Score enough for the bonus in Ring God. 10,000 Units Ring God
RG LordOfRings.png
Lord Of The Rings Ring over 50 bottles total in Ring God. 1,500 Units Ring God
RG RingGod.png
Ring God Toss over 150 rings total in Ring God. 5,000 Units Ring God
SS TakeMeToTheRiver.png
Take Me To The River Repeat 15 times in a single game of Salmon Says. 5,000 Units Salmon Says
SS DropMeInTheWater.png
Drop Me In The Water Repeat 30 times in a single game of Salmon Says. 10,000 Units Salmon Says
SE StackEmThemUp.png
Stacking Them Up Reach level 2 in Stack 'Em. 5,000 Units Stack 'Em
SE AscendingToTheTop.png
Ascending To The Top Reach level 5 in Stack 'Em. 10,000 Units Stack 'Em
SB MidwayMania.png
Midway Mania Score 30,000 points in a single game of Starfield Lanes. 5,000 Units Starfield Lanes
SB BullsEye.png
Bullseye Pocket a ball in one of the top corners in Starfield Lanes. 10,000 Units Starfield Lanes
WR ICantBelieveItsNotRigged.png
I Can't Believe It's Not Rigged! Toss a coin through the bonus slot. 5,000 Units Sunlight Roller
WR ThreeFitty.png
Three Fifty Toss 350 coins total in Sunlight Roller. 1,500 Units Sunlight Roller
SBB HoopThereItIs.png
Hoop There It Is! Score 100 points total in Super Hoopers. 1,500 Units Super Hoopers
SBB SuperStar.png
Superstar Reach 50 points in a single game of Super Hoopers. 5,000 Units Super Hoopers
SBB GoingPro.png
Going Pro Play a perfect game (no misses) with at least 40 points in Super Hoopers. 10,000 Units Super Hoopers
IC IceBreaker.png
Icebreaker Hit every tile in a single game of Ice Cave. 10,000 Units The Ice Cave
IC LightEmUp.png
Light 'Em Up Hit 500 tiles total in Ice Cave. 5,000 Units The Ice Cave
OFF GenerousSacrifice.png
Generous Scarifice Score over 5,000 points in a single game of The Offering. 10,000 Units The Offering
OFF AWorthyOffering.png
A Worthy Offering To The Gods Sink 25 balls in a single game of The Offering. 5,000 Units The Offering
OFF TheMessiah.png
The Messiah Sink 25 balls in total in the center cup in The Offering. 5,000 Units The Offering
TO WeGotCows.png
We Got Cows Get 100 points in Tornado. 1,500 Units Tornado
CW LactoseTolerant.png
Lactose Tolerant Spell out MILK in Ultimate Cow Wheel. 10,000 Units Ultimate Cow Wheel
CW MOOveIt.png
I Like To Moo-ve It Score 5,000 or more points total in Ultimate Cow Wheel. 10,000 Units Ultimate Cow Wheel
WaM MoleExterminator.png
Mole Exterminator Whack 50 moles total in Whack-a-Mole. 1,500 Units Whack-a-Mole
WaM CatProtector.png
Cat Protector Never hit a cat with at least 50 points in a single game of Whack-a-Mole. 10,000 Units Whack-a-Mole
WaM BeenExterminated.png
You've Been Terminated Whack a total of 30 moles in a single game of Whack-a-Mole. 5,000 Units Whack-a-Mole
WoF NiceCatch.png
Nice Catch! Win the jackpot in Whirl-a-Fish. 10,000 Units Whirl-a-Fish
WoF TwoFish.png
Two Fish Blue Fish Get bonus balls in Whirl-a-Fish. 5,000 Units Whirl-a-Fish
WoF KeepSwimming.png
Just Keep Swimming Drop over 50 balls total in Whirl-a-Fish. 1,500 Units Whirl-a-Fish



Arcade leaderboards reset weekly on Sundays. The leaderboard for Pluck-a-Pal works slightly differently, however; scores are wiped weekly, but playing will always submit your all-time pals collected to the leaderboard.


The Arcade has its own category in the Collection Book. It catalogues all the items earnable from The Asteroid Belt and Pluck-a-Pal, graying out ones which you do not own.

Warp Zone Arcade
Collection Book Milestones, Badges, TrophiesAchievementsStatsLeaderboardsArcade
Stores TicketsGame TokensThe Asteroid BeltThe Freezing PointUncle Muscle's Big Pizza Parlor
Games The OfferingRing GodAvalancheLittle Birde FeedersThe Ice CaveSuper HoopersStarfield LanesMeteoroid ManiaDragon's TreasureCoin RiverWhirl-a-FishPrismaticGears of CoinNewton's ApplesStack 'EmLonely Gun 30XXTornadoSunlight RollerWhack-a-MoleBug BytesSalmon SaysDizzyCaptain Calypso's Planetary PianoBilliardsUltimate Cow WheelCandy SlamCorn of the DeadMas Fuerte 2KMind TesterColoracle 2: Whose Hue?Wheel of FirePluck-a-Pal
Upcoming Games Air Hockey • Quick Service • Duel • Galaxy Time • House of the Zombies • Dino Climb Turbo Ultra ‘74 Edition • DESTROY • Pinball
The Plaza
Notable Locations TowerMain Plaza SquareStoresCondo HubGame World PortsMonorailThe Great OutdoorsMinigame Arena
Buildings and Attractions Warp Zone ArcadeTower CasinoBoardwalkPlaza EventsDark VoyageTriviaTheaterVolt NightclubLaser TagBowlingTyping DerbyFishing
Seasonal Events EasterSummerTower Unite AnniversaryHalloweenWinter Holidays
Collection Book PlazaArcadeCasinoFishingPlaza EventsBowlingLaser TagTheaterNightclubTriviaDark VoyageHalloween
Upcoming Content Dueling Arena