Typing Derby

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Typing Derby is a 1 to 8 player typing-racing game you can play at the boardwalk in the Plaza.


In Typing Derby, players have 95 seconds to type out a full paragraph made of 60-120 words. The player who finishes first or types the most before time runs out wins. Players can earn combos by typing words without making mistakes.

Unit Payouts

The Unit payouts for Typing Derby are:

Payout Units Earned
Thanks For Playing 200 Units
Finished The Race 500 Units
5+ Combo 80 Units
10+ Combo 250 Units
25+ Combo 250 Units
50+ Combo 600 Units
Perfect Combo 1,000 Units
4th Place and Below 200 Units
3rd Place 400 Units
2nd Place 500 Units
1st Place 600 Units

Related Achievements

Main article: Collection Book/Typing Derby

Icon Name Description Reward
Plaza TypingDerby Wordsmith.png
Wordsmith Get 70 WPM or more. 10,000 Units
Plaza TypingDerby DerbyWinner.png
Derby Winner Get 1st place while playing with 3 other players. 1,500 Units
Plaza TypingDerby MasterTypist.png
Master Typist Type 1,000 words correctly. 5,000 Units
Plaza TypingDerby SpellChecker.png
Spell Checker Get a 20x combo or more. 1,500 Units
Plaza TypingDerby GoneIn60.png
Gone In 60 Seconds Complete a race in less than 60 seconds. 5,000 Units



  • The back wall mural for Typing Derby has a secret tiny worm that can be found on the ground.
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