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Each year in October, Tower Unite gets an update that adds and re-introduces new features for the Halloween season. These can range from new Plaza Events to quests.


Event Times

Halloween events typically don't have a set date for release, like most updates. However, they tend to begin around the last third of October, and run into November.

Here are the start and end dates for each Halloween event, to give an idea of when the next one might start.

Halloween Update Times
Year Start Date End Date
2016 Oct. 29 N/A
2017 Oct. 23 Nov. 12
2018 Oct. 20 Nov. 14
2019 Oct. 27 Nov. 16
2020 Oct. 22 Nov. 16
2021 Oct. 14 Nov. 22
2022 Oct. 18 Dec. 6
2023 Oct. 11 Nov. 13
2024 Oct. 17 Nov. 19

Halloween Plaza

Each October, the Plaza will be decorated for Halloween. Bushes and trees around the Plaza die and lose their leaves, pumpkins are placed around the Plaza, and banners are changed to have a Halloween theme. The main plaza square's fountain becomes Beelzebub's Cauldron, and the Plaza becomes permanently night, with a thick layer of fog. A maze also appears around the great outdoors.

A picture of Ghoul Coins, as seen in the patch notes.

Ghoul Coins

During the Halloween event, you will earn Ghoul Coins by playing Game Worlds or activities in the Plaza that give out Units or Tickets. The only activity that does not give Ghoul Coins is the Casino. Ghoul Coins are used to obtain exclusive items.

The Ghoulcery Store

During the Halloween event, a flying pumpkin named Gourdon appeared at the Main Plaza Square. He gives you a quest to find his lost puppy, who became lost in a giant hedge maze in the great outdoors.

If you find his puppy and come back to him, he will give you access to the Ghoulcery Store, a store where you can spend Ghoul Coins to earn exclusive Halloween items.

Halloween Plaza Events

Special Plaza events will occur during the Halloween event. These can range from re-skins of minigames, or brand new special events. View all Halloween Plaza events here:


There are various exclusive Halloween quests that appear all over the Plaza. View all Halloween quests here:

Halloween Items

Tower Unite features hundreds of Halloween-themed items. Most can be purchased at The Ghoulcery Store and Celebrations or obtained from Halloween Remains and Halloween Character Visit.

Plaza Events Ghost HuntingPumpkin BlastFood FrenzyHalloween RemainsTrick or TreatHalloween Character Visit
Quests Find the Lost PuppyUncover the 10 Hidden BonesFind 131 Jack-o-LanternsBefriend all the Halloween CharactersFind the Haunted Treasure
Other Beelzebub's CauldronGhoul CoinsThe Ghoulcery Store
The Plaza
Notable Locations TowerMain Plaza SquareStoresCondo HubGame World PortsMonorailThe Great OutdoorsMinigame Arena
Buildings and Attractions Warp Zone ArcadeTower CasinoBoardwalkPlaza EventsDark VoyageTriviaTheaterVolt NightclubLaser TagBowlingTyping DerbyFishing
Seasonal Events EasterSummerTower Unite AnniversaryHalloweenWinter Holidays
Collection Book PlazaArcadeCasinoFishingPlaza EventsBowlingLaser TagTheaterNightclubTriviaDark VoyageHalloween
Upcoming Content Dueling Arena