Tower Unite Anniversary

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Tower Unite Anniversary is an annual event that celebrates the anniversary of Tower Unite's early access release on April 8, 2016.

Anniversary Coins

Playing Game Worlds and any plaza game besides the Casino during the anniversary event will reward you with anniversary coins that can be used to unlock exclusive anniversary items, as well as items that cost holiday & ghoul coins.

Anniversary Celebrations Store

During the anniversary event, Kalleira, cashier of the Stray, is at the main plaza square during the anniversary event. She sells anniversary exclusive items that cost anniversary tokens as well as Winter Holiday and Halloween items.

Seasonal Plaza Events

Tower Unite Anniversary has one exclusive Plaza event, but nearly all events from the Halloween and Winter Holiday events are active during the event as well. The list of active events are:

Tower Unite Anniversary


Winter Holiday


The Halloween Remains event was also planned to occur during the anniversary events, but this never happened in the 2021 and 2022 events.

The Plaza
Notable Locations TowerMain Plaza SquareStoresCondo HubGame World PortsMonorailThe Great OutdoorsMinigame Arena
Buildings and Attractions Warp Zone ArcadeTower CasinoBoardwalkPlaza EventsDark VoyageTriviaTheaterVolt NightclubLaser TagBowlingTyping DerbyFishing
Seasonal Events EasterSummerTower Unite AnniversaryHalloweenWinter Holidays
Collection Book PlazaArcadeCasinoFishingPlaza EventsBowlingLaser TagTheaterNightclubTriviaDark VoyageHalloween
Upcoming Content Dueling Arena