Tower Unite

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Tower Unite is a Massively Multiplayer Online Virtual World (MMOVW) game currently in development by PixelTail Games, LLC. Tower Unite is composed of a main Plaza map, as well as many Game Worlds and customizable condos. You can earn Units (Tower Unite's currency) by playing Game Worlds, doing activities in the Plaza, and by earning EXP/achievements which in turn allows you to customize many facets of your condo and general gameplay.

Tower Unite was released in Early Access on Steam on April 8, 2016. You can play Tower Unite:

  • Natively on Windows
  • On Linux with Steam Play; has a platinum ranking on ProtonDB
  • On GeForce Now; recommended for players who don't meet the system requirements

Mac OS support and native Linux support are planned, but not implemented yet.


Tower Unite is the successor to the popular Garry's Mod gamemode "GMod Tower" (commonly named "GMTower" or "GMT"). Due to hitting the technical limits of GMod and the Source Engine, PixelTailGames felt it was necessary to transition to a real game (using Unreal Engine 4). This not only unlocks new potential for the game itself, but allows for PixelTail to earn more money for their work, and in turn, help the development of the game even more.

Tower Unite was originally started through a Kickstarter campaign, but did not meet it's funding goal. An Indiegogo campaign was later started, which not only met but exceeded it's $50,000 goal by 147% (at $73.648), reaching three of the stretch goals. During the Indiegogo, Tower Unite was greenlit on Steam and shortly after the end of the campaign placed on the Steam Store. Kickstarter and Indiegogo alpha builds were given to backers during the funding period.

See Also