Collection Book/Halloween

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This page lists all Halloween-related stats and unlockables stored in the Collection Book.

EXP (Milestones, Badges, Trophies)

Halloween EXP can be earned by talking to Halloween characters, collecting candy, and playing Halloween-exclusive minigames. Halloween EXP can be earned during the Halloween and Tower Unite Anniversary seasonal events. Halloween has no trophies.

Icon Badge EXP
Grim Photon 0
Grinning Ghost 250,000
Ghastly Apparaition 500,000
Haunted Ghoul 750,000
Icon Name Description Item Type EXP
Halloween Jetpack 200 miles per soul! Equippable: Jetpack 100,000
Throwable Blood Wine What is a catsack? A miserable little pile of secrets. Equippable: Weapon 200,000
Orbiting Blood Moon If it bleeds, you can kill it. Equippable: Pet 300,000
Skeleton Friend Spooky scary skeleton friend. Equippable: Pet 400,000
Minecart Now with crafting. Equippable: Vehicle 500,000


Halloween has 11 achievements.

Icon Name Description Rewards Associated Plaza Event
Plaza Halloween 2020 Pup.png
Ghost Pup Find Lil' Pup 5,000 Units None
Plaza Halloween 2020 Pup.png
Ghoulish Spender Buy 20 unique Ghoulcery items 25,000 Units None
Plaza Halloween 2020 Pup.png
Haunted Friendships Befriend the Halloween characters 10,000 Units Halloween Character Visit
Plaza Halloween 2020 Pup.png
Rich & Ghostly Collect 100 Ghoul Coins 10,000 Units None
Plaza Halloween 2020 Hand.png
Soul Finder Deliver 50 remains 10,000 Units Halloween Remains
Plaza Halloween 2020 Hand.png
Soul Collector Deliver 100 remains 25,000 Units Halloween Remains
Plaza Halloween 2020 Hand.png
Detective Uncover the 10 hidden bones in the Plaza 10,000 Units None
Plaza Halloween 2020 Pumpkin.png
Trick or Treat Collect 50 candy 10,000 Units Trick or Treat
Plaza Halloween 2020 Pumpkin.png
Spoils of the Dead Find the haunted treasure 25,000 Units None
Plaza Halloween 2020 Pumpkin.png
Boo! (COMING SOON) Open a Halloween catsack None (not unlockable) None
Plaza Halloween 2020 Pumpkin.png
Stingy Jack Find all 131 Jack o' Lanterns in the Plaza 25,000 Units None


Halloween has no stats.


Halloween has no leaderboards.

The Plaza
Notable Locations TowerMain Plaza SquareStoresCondo HubGame World PortsMonorailThe Great OutdoorsMinigame Arena
Buildings and Attractions Warp Zone ArcadeTower CasinoBoardwalkPlaza EventsDark VoyageTriviaTheaterVolt NightclubLaser TagBowlingTyping DerbyFishing
Seasonal Events EasterSummerTower Unite AnniversaryHalloweenWinter Holidays
Collection Book PlazaArcadeCasinoFishingPlaza EventsBowlingLaser TagTheaterNightclubTriviaDark VoyageHalloween
Upcoming Content Dueling Arena