Fishing is a game that can be played in various locations in the Plaza.
Preparing to Fish
Fishing requires a fishing rod and bait. Both of these can be purchased at Gone Fishin' Bait Shop, a store at the Boardwalk.
Different baits attract different types of fish. One bait is consumed after catching a fish (unless using the Lure).
After getting the fishing rod and equipping it, press right click to select the bait to use.
Icon | Name | Description | Type | |
Clump | A bait that attracts small fish and fish with interesting things inside them. | 100 | Bait | |
Curly Grub | A bait that attracts fish with interesting things inside them and rare fish with interesting things inside them. | 500 | Bait | |
Gummy Worm | A common bait that attracts small and big fish alike. | 150 | Bait | |
Lure | A useful tool that attracts some fish, but none of the rare fish. Unlike other bait, it does not get taken away when a fish is caught. | 30,000 | Bait: Unlimited Uses | |
Maggot | A bait that attracts big fish and fish with interesting things inside them. | 300 | Bait | |
Magnet | A bait that attracts fish with interesting things inside them. | 300 | Bait | |
Meatball | A small bait that attracts just small fish. | 50 | Bait | |
Mighty Ball | Forged by the cat gods themselves, this bait is sure to bring in small, large, rare, and fish with interesting things inside them. | 750 | Bait | |
Minnow | A great bait that attracts bigger fish. | 100 | Bait | |
Worm | A common bait that attracts small and big fish alike with a chance of rare fish. | 200 | Bait |
Spots to Fish
The Plaza has 4 designated fishing spots at the boardwalk and around the great outdoors. Players can only fish in these spots. Look at the water in any of these spots and click to cast the line.
The Boardwalk fishing spot
A fishing dock behind the Game World Ports
A fishing pond on the peninsula near the Boardwalk
Attracting Fish
After the line is cast, fish will spawn nearby. There are 5 types of fish which have different item pools. The fish types that spawn depend on the bait being used.
Fish near the line will get attracted to the bait, indicated with a '!' icon over the attracted fish. When this happens, the fish will move to the bobber and start nibbling on it; if the bobber is moved too erratically, the fish will get annoyed and swim away. After nibbling for a bit, the fish will bite (indicated with a jaw icon); click when this happens to reel in the fish.
Appearance | Type | Contains |
A silver-gray butterfly fish | Small | Higher chance for smaller, common fish |
A silver-gray salmon | Large | Higher chance for larger, common fish |
A golden lion fish | Rare | Higher chance for rare fish of any size |
A translucent fish with a ? in it | Items | Non-fish items |
A wireframe blob fish with a ? in it | Rare Items | Non-fish items; higher chance for rare ones |
Fish on Line
When reeling in the fish, a ring-shaped UI will appear with two lines orbiting; the white line indicates the player's line and the colored line is the fish. Each fish reeled in is a random difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard, Very Hard); the higher the difficulty, the more unpredictable the fish's movements.
Keep the white line on top of the colored one to catch the fish. If the line positions don't match, the line stress will increase. If the stress goes too high, the line will snap, and the fish will swim away.
After the player successfully catches a fish, their character holds the catch above their head, and they can choose to keep or sell the item.
Catchable Items
The Collection Book's Fish tab contains every possible fishing catch. Items which the player does not yet own are grayed out until they obtain one. A list of all catchable items is also included below.
Icon | Name | Description | Item Type | Rarity | Sell Price (Units) | Caught From |
All Knowing Pufferfish | Ask it anything, it knows all. | Placeable | Rare | 500 | Fish | |
Amberjack | Seriola dumerili. 20m. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 300 | Fish | |
Archerfish | Toxotes jaculatrix. 18cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 225 | Fish | |
Atlantic Cod | Gadus morhua. 50cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 375 | Fish | |
Amur | Ctenopharyngodon idella. 30cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 300 | Fish | |
Arapaima | Arapaima gigas. 2m. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 300 | Fish | |
Barracuda | Sphyraenidae. 130cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 100 | Fish | |
Bass Fish | Don't drop this. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 2,000 | Fish | |
Black Redeye | Micropterus coosae. 35cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 75 | Fish | |
Black Sea Bass | Centropristis striata. 60cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 300 | Fish | |
Blue Arowana | Osteoglossum ferreirai. 120cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 300 | Fish | |
Blue Checkerboard Discus | S.aequefasciata. 6cm. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 425 | Fish | |
Black Spotted Grunt | Plectorhinchus gaterinus. 50cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 90 | Fish | |
Blob Fish | Psychrolutes microporos. 0.5m | Placeable: Pet | Common | 425 | Fish | |
Blue Mandarin | Synchiropus splendidus. 7cm. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 600 | Fish | |
Blue Marlin | Makaira nigricans. 5m. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 625 | Fish | |
Blue Tang | Paracanthurus hepatus. 20cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 75 | Fish | |
Brown Trout | Salmo trutta. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 150 | Fish | |
Clown Loach | Botia maracantha. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 75 | Fish | |
Clown Triggerfish | Balistoides conspicillum. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 450 | Fish | |
Butterfly Fish | Chaetodontidae. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 100 | Fish | |
Carp | Cyprinus carpio. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 150 | Fish | |
Clownfish | Amphiprion ocellaris. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 225 | Fish | |
Cobia | Rachycentron canadum. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 100 | Fish | |
Cosmic Fish | The food source of all cosmic life. | Placeable: Pet | Ultra Rare | 500 | Fish | |
Cubera Snapper | Lutjanus cyanopterus. 90cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 250 | Fish | |
Desjardin Sailfin Tang | Zebrasoma desjardinii. 11cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 450 | Fish | |
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey | Cichlasoma octofascriatum. 20cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 450 | Fish | |
Cuttlefish | Sepiida. 25cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 1,250 | Fish | |
Demasoni Cichlid | Pseudotropheus demasoni. 7cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 450 | Fish | |
Electric Catfish | Malapterurus electricus. 1.2m. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 450 | Fish | |
Emperor Angelfish | Pomacantus imperator. 8cm | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 500 | Fish | |
Fangtooth | Anoplogaster cornuta. 16cm. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 475 | Fish | |
Foureye Butterfly Fish | Chaetodon capistratus. 10cm. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 475 | Fish | |
Gold Redeye | Micropterus coosae. 7cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 275 | Fish | |
Koi | Cyprinus carpio haematopterus. 90cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 550 | Fish | |
Frontosa | Paratilapia frontosa. 25cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 300 | Fish | |
Gold Fish | Made of real gold. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 500 | Fish | |
Large Amberjack | Seriola dumerili. 40m. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 600 | Fish | |
Large Amur | Ctenopharyngodon idella. 60cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 600 | Fish | |
Large Arapaima | Arapaima gigas. 4m. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 600 | Fish | |
Large Archerfish | Toxotes jaculatrix. 36cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 450 | Fish | |
Large Black Redeye | Micropterus coosae. 40cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 150 | Fish | |
Large Black Sea Bass | Centropristis striata. 120cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 600 | Fish | |
Large Atlantic Cod | Gadus morhua. 1m. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 750 | Fish | |
Large Barracuda | Sphryraenidae. 2m. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 200 | Fish | |
Large Black Spotted Grunt | Plectorhinchus gaterinus. 1m. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 180 | Fish | |
Large Blob Fish | Psychrolutes microporos. | Placeable: Pet | Super Rare | 850 | Fish | |
Large Blue Arowana | Osteoglosssum ferreirai. 240cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 600 | Fish | |
Large Blue Checkerboard Discus | S.aequefasciata. 12cm. | Placeable: Pet | Super Rare | 850 | Fish | |
Large Blue Tang | Paracanthurus hepatus. 40cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 150 | Fish | |
Large Brown Trout | Salmo trutta. 160cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 300 | Fish | |
Large Blue Mandarin | Synchiropus splendidus. 14cm. | Placeable: Pet | Super Rare | 1,200 | Fish | |
Large Blue Marlin | Makaira nigricans. 10m. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 1,250 | Fish | |
Large Butterfly Fish | Chaetodontidae. 24cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 200 | Fish | |
Large Carp | Cyprinus carpio. 70cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 300 | Fish | |
Large Clown Loach | Botia macracantha. 60cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 150 | Fish | |
Large Clown Triggerfish | Balistoides conspicillum. 22cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 900 | Fish | |
Large Cubera Snapper | Lutjanus cyanopterus. 180cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 500 | Fish | |
Large Cuttlefish | Sepiida. 30cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 2,500 | Fish | |
Large Clownfish | Amphiprion ocellaris. 16cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 450 | Fish | |
Large Cobia | Rachycentron canadum. 4m. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 200 | Fish | |
Large Demasoni Cichlid | Pseudotropheus demasoni. 14cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 900 | Fish | |
Large Desjardin Sailfin Tang | Zebrasoma desjardinii. 22cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 900 | Fish | |
Large Electric Blue Jack Dempsey | Cichlasoma octofasciatum. 40cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 900 | Fish | |
Large Electric Catfish | Malapterurus electricus. 2.4m. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 900 | Fish | |
Large Foureye Butterfly Fish | Chaetodon capistratus. 20cm. | Placeable: Pet | Super Rare | 950 | Fish | |
Large Frontosa | Paratilapia frontosa. 50cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 600 | Fish | |
Large Emperor Angelfish | Pomacanthus imperator. 16cm | Placeable: Pet | Super Rare | 1,000 | Fish | |
Large Fangtooth | Anoplogaster cornuta. 32cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 950 | Fish | |
Large Gold Redeye | Micropterus coosae. 14cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 550 | Fish | |
Large Koi | Cyprinus carpio haematopterus. 2m. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 1,100 | Fish | |
Large Leopard Coral Grouper | Plectropomus leopardus. 60cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 950 | Fish | |
Large Lion Fish | Pterois antennata. 40cm. | Placeable: Pet | Super Rare | 1,250 | Fish | |
Large Miniata Grouper | Cephalopholis miniata. 70cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 300 | Fish | |
Large Moorish Idol | Zanclus Cornutus. 8cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 400 | Fish | |
Large Mackerel | Scomber scombrus. 60cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 500 | Fish | |
Large Mahi Mahi | Coryphaena hippurus. 2m. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 950 | Fish | |
Large Orange Surgeon | Ancathurus olivaceus. 70cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 150 | Fish | |
Large Orange-spotted Spinefoot | Sigenus guttatus. 30cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 450 | Fish | |
Large Orangespine Unicornfish | Naso lituratus. 1m. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 1,500 | Fish | |
Large Oreochromis | Oreochromis. 30cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 1,000 | Fish | |
Large Pike | Esox lucrius. 1m. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 200 | Fish | |
Large Piranha | Pygocentrus nattereri. 30cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 300 | Fish | |
Large Peacock Bass | Cichla ocellaris. 2m. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 500 | Fish | |
Large Perch Fish | Perca fluviatilis. 40cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 600 | Fish | |
Large Powderblue Tang | Acanthurus ieucosternon. 50cm. | Placeable: Pet | Super Rare | 750 | Fish | |
Large Pufferfish | Ephippion guttifer. | Placeable: Pet | Super Rare | 1,000 | Fish | |
Large Rabbitfish | Siganus. 30cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 350 | Fish | |
Large Rainbow Cichlid | Herotilapia multispinosa. 30cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 750 | Fish | |
Large Red Snapper | Lutjanus campechanus. 80cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 500 | Fish | |
Large Red Zebra Cichlid | Metriaclima estherae. 6cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 150 | Fish | |
Large Red Eye | Micropterus coosae. 30cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 500 | Fish | |
Large Red Leopard Discus | S.aequefasciata. 12cm. | Placeable: Pet | Super Rare | 850 | Fish | |
Large Redtail Notho | Nothobranchius guentheri. 10cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 150 | Fish | |
Large Reef Butterflyfish | Chaetodon sedentarius. 14cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 600 | Fish | |
Large Royal Angelfish | Pygoplites diacanthus. 50cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 600 | Fish | |
Large Salmon | Salmonidae. 3m. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 300 | Fish | |
Large Skeleton Fish | An undead fish. | Placeable: Pet | Super Rare | 1,000 | Fish | |
Large Streaked Spinefoot | Siganus javus. 30cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 500 | Fish | |
Large Sea Bass | Serranidae. 60cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 400 | Fish | |
Large Shortfin Corvina | Cynoscion parvipinnis. 42cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 900 | Fish | |
Large Tiger Barb | Puntigrus tetrazona. 20cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 250 | Fish | |
Large Tiger Turquoise Discus | S.aequefasciata. 12cm. | Placeable: Pet | Super Rare | 750 | Fish | |
Large Trewavas Cichlid | Labeotropheus trewavasae. 22cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 300 | Fish | |
Large Trout | Cynoscion nebulosus. 60cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 250 | Fish | |
Large Yellow Mandarin | Synchiropus splendidus. 6cm. | Placeable: Pet | Super Rare | 1,000 | Fish | |
Large Yellow Tang | Zebrasoma flavescens. 10cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 600 | Fish | |
Large Yellow Angelfish | Centropyge heraldi. 20cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 150 | Fish | |
Large Yellow Lake Malawi Cichlid | Astatotilapia calliptera. 6cm. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 1,000 | Fish | |
Leopard Coral Grouper | Plectropomus leopardus. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 475 | Fish | |
Letter Fish | [no description] | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 500 | Fish | |
Lion Fish | Pterois antennata, 20cm. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 625 | Fish | |
Mackerel | Scomber scombrus. 30cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 250 | Fish | |
Moorish Idol | Zanclus Cornutus. 4cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 200 | Fish | |
Nightmare Crab | Forged from the depths of hell itself. | Placeable | Common | 1,000 | ? Fish | |
Orange Surgeon | Acanthurus olivaceus. 35cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 75 | Fish | |
Mahi Mahi | Coryphaena hippurus. 1m. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 475 | Fish | |
Miniata Grouper | Cephalopholis miniata. 35cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 150 | Fish | |
Orange-spotted Spinefoot | Siganus guttatus. 15cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 225 | Fish | |
Orangespine Unicornfish | Naso lituratus. 45cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 750 | Fish | |
Oreochromis | Oreochromis. 15cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 500 | Fish | |
Peacock Bass | Cichla ocellaris. 1m. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 250 | Fish | |
Piranha | Pygocentrus nattereri. 15cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 150 | Fish | |
Powderblue Tang | Acanthurus leucosternon. 23cm. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 375 | Fish | |
Perch Fish | Perca fluviatilis. 20cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 300 | Fish | |
Pike | Esox lucius. 50cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 100 | Fish | |
Pufferfish | Ephippion guttifer. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 500 | Fish | |
Rabbitfish | Siganus. 15cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 175 | Fish | |
Rainbow Cichlid | Herotilapia multispinosa. 15cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 375 | Fish | |
Red Eye | Micropterus coosae. 15cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 250 | Fish | |
Red Zebra Cichlid | Metriaclima estherae. 3cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 75 | Fish | |
Redtail Notho | Nothobranchius guenthiri. 5cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 75 | Fish | |
Red Leopard Discus | S.aequefasciata. 6cm. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 425 | Fish | |
Red Snapper | Lutjanus campechanus. 40cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 250 | Fish | |
Reef Butterflyfsih | Chaetodon sedentarius. 7cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 300 | Fish | |
Royal Angelfish | Pygoplites diacanthus. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 300 | Fish | |
Salmon | Salmonidae. 150cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 150 | Fish | |
Sea Bass | Serranidae. 30cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 200 | Fish | |
Streaked Spinefoot | Sigenus javus. 15cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 250 | Fish | |
Sunfish | Mola mola. 1m. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 1,250 | Fish | |
Shortfin Corvina | Cynoscion parvipinnis. 21cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 450 | Fish | |
Skeleton Fish | An undead fish. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 500 | Fish | |
The Cat Fish | Meow. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 500 | Fish | |
The Fisherman | When things get real. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 500 | Fish | |
Tiger Barb | Puntigrus tetrazona. 10cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 125 | Fish | |
Tiger Turquoise Discus | S.aequefasciata. 6cm. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 375 | Fish | |
Trout | Cynoscion nebulosus. 30cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 125 | Fish | |
Wizard Fish | May turn into a human at any chance. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 500 | Fish | |
Time Fish | Can see all events future and past. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 500 | Fish | |
Trewavas Cichlid | Labeotropheus trewavasae. 11cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 150 | Fish | |
Yellow Angelfish | Centropyge heraldi. 10cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 75 | Fish | |
Yellow Lake Malawi Cichlid | Astatotilapia calliptera. 3cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 500 | Fish | |
Yellow Mandarin | Synchiropus splendidus. 3cm. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 500 | Fish | |
Yellow Tang | Zebrasoma flavescens. 5cm. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 300 | Fish |
Icon | Name | Description | Item Type | Rarity | Sell Price (Units) | Caught From |
Common Starfish | Asterias rubens. | Placeable | Common | 75 | ? Fish | |
Cool Crab | Have you ever seen a crustacean with more attitude than this crab? | Placeable | Rare | 1,500 | ? Fish | |
Eternally Frozen Crab | Cursed by a sneaky ice wizard, this crab will never know the comfort of warmth ever again. | Placeable | Super Rare | 1,500 | ? Fish | |
Large Common Starfish | Asterias rubens. | Placeable | Less Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Crab | A crab that does nothing other than take up space. | Placeable | Less Common | 1,500 | ? Fish | |
Eternally Burning Crab | Comes pre-heated, do not refrigerate ever. | Placeable | Super Rare | 1,500 | ? Fish | |
Large Manta Ray | Cephalopterus manta. 4m. | Placeable: Pet | Less Common | 2,000 | Fish | |
Large Murex Shellfish | A tropical sea snail. | Placeable | Less Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Large Mussel | A tropical mussel. | Placeable | Less Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Large Octopus | Octopus vulgaris. | Placeable: Pet | Super Rare | 2,000 | Fish | |
Large Stingray | Myliobatoidei. 3m. | Placeable: Pet | Super Rare | 2,200 | Fish | |
Large Sunfish | Mola mola. 2m. | Placeable: Pet | Super Rare | 2,500 | Fish | |
Large Oyster | Ostreidae. | Placeable | Less Common | 120 | ? Fish | |
Large Red Knob Starfish | Protoreaster linckii. | Placeable | Less Common | 250 | Fish | |
Manta Ray | Cephalopterus manta. 2m. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 1,000 | Fish | |
Murex Shellfish | A tropical sea snail. | Placeable | Common | 75 | ? Fish | |
Mussel | A tropical mussel. | Placeable | Common | 75 | ? Fish | |
Octopus | Octopus vulgaris. | Placeable: Pet | Rare | 1,000 | Fish | |
Red Knob Starfish | Protoreaster linckii. | Placeable | Common | 125 | ? Fish | |
Screamy Boy | Do not swallow. | Placeable | Super Rare | 1,500 | ? Fish | |
Oyster | Ostreidae. | Placeable | Common | 60 | ? Fish | |
Party Crab | This crab is down to clown any day of the week. | Placeable | Rare | 5,000 | ? Fish | |
Speedy Crab | A crab that literally can't stop moving. | Placeable | Less Common | 2,000 | ? Fish | |
Stingray | Myliobatoidei. 1.8m. | Placeable: Pet | Common | 1,100 | Fish |
Icon | Name | Description | Item Type | Rarity | Sell Price (Units) | Caught From |
Bag of Units | Conveniently carry lots of units. | Placeable: Redeemable | Less Common | 1,000 | ? Fish | |
Blue Sea Urchin | Useful potion ingredient | Placeable | Common | 250 | ? Fish | |
Gem | Very shiny, very expensive. | Placeable | Rare | 10,000 | ? Fish | |
Gold | Go ahead, bite it. It's real. | Placeable | Common | 3,000 | ? Fish | |
Bongos | Make some noise. | Placeable: Instrument | Rare | 600 | ? Fish | |
Disco Duck | This duck is stuck in the 70's. | Placeable | Rare | 750 | ? Fish | |
Lightning in a Bottle | An incredible feat. | Placeable | Less Common | 500 | ? Fish | |
Message in a Bottle | Contains a message from a stranger. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Nuke Button | Simulate a nuclear fallout. | Placeable: Doodad | Rare | 1,000 | ? Fish | |
Pile of Gold | The ultimate treasure find. | Placeable | Less Common | 15,000 | ? Fish | |
Rubber Duck | It's a rubber duck. | Placeable | Common | 50 | ? Fish | |
Scuba Tree | Scientists are still trying to figure out how this tree breathes. | Placeable | Less Common | 800 | ? Fish | |
Pirate Gun | Fire off shots with this pirate weaponry. | Equippable: Weapon | Rare | 1,250 | ? Fish | |
Red Sea Urchin | Useful potion ingredient. | Placeable | Common | 250 | ? Fish | |
Sea Dollar | Exchange this for aquatic friends. | Placeable | Rare | 500 | ? Fish | |
Treasure Chest o' Units | Lots of units, comes with a convenient chest to store them in. | Placeable: Redeemable | Rare | 5,000 | ? Fish |
Icon | Name | Description | Item Type | Rarity | Sell Price | Caught From |
"Now That's What I Call Elevator Music" | The original vinyl of the best elevator music. | Placeable | Less Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Barrel Of Trash | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Broken Soda Can | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Broken Television | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Broken Bottle | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Broken Potted Plant | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Broom | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Candy Wrapper | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Cigs | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Cooler | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Old Newspaper | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Plastic Straw | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Crossword Magazine | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
DCTV | If it works, it works. | Placeable: Media Player | Common | 200 | ? Fish | |
Home Cooking Magazine | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Plastic Toyblock | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Ruined Paper Ticket | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Shopping Cart | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Soggy Cardboard Box | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Trash Bag | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Trash Can Lid | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Tin Can | Better than nothing. Technically. | Placeable | Common | 5 | ? Fish | |
Tire | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Used Coffee Cup | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Used Spray Can | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish | |
Wooden Palette | Worthless sea trash. | Placeable | Common | 150 | ? Fish |