Collection Book/Condo

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This page lists all Condo-related stats and unlockables stored in the Collection Book.

EXP (Milestones, Badges, Trophies)

In Condos, EXP is earned passively by playing. Every 12 minutes, you will gain 2,500 Condo EXP. Condos have no milestones or trophies, although they are planned for a future update[1].

Icon Badge EXP
Visitor 0
Acquainted 250,000
Regular 500,000
Familiar 750,000
Respected 1,000,000


Condos currently have 26 achievements.

Icon Name Description Rewards Associated Condo
Condo TVAddict.png
TV Addiction Watch TV for 10 hours in a condo in total. 10,000 Units None
Condo PartyAnimal.png
Party Animal Have 4 or more players in your condo for an hour total. 10,000 Units None
Condo DrunkenSailor.png
Drunken Sailor Be drunk for 10 minutes straight in one go while in a condo. 1,500 Units None
Condo CuriousCat.png
Curious Cat Open 50 mysterious catsacks. 10,000 Units None
Condo SilverCat.png
Silver Cat Open a silver catsack. 25,000 Units None
Condo GoldCat.png
Gold Cat Open a golden catsack. 25,000 Units None
Condo Customizer.png
Customizer Edit the properties of a single item. 1,500 Units None
Condo PicturePerfect.png
Picture Perfect Place a canvas with a custom image. 1,500 Units None
Condo HomeSweetHome.png
Home Sweet Home Spend 2 hours in your condo. 10,000 Units None
Condo HomeAwayFromHome.png
Home Away From Home Visit another condo. 1,500 Units None
Condo HomeVisitor.png
Home Visitor Visit 20 other condos. 5,000 Units None
Condo Pianist.png
Pianist Play the Piano with 3 other players nearby. 1,500 Units None
Condo Drumm.png
Drumm Play the Drumset with 3 other players nearby. 1,500 Units None
Condo Builder.png
Builder Place down 200 items in total. 1,500 Units None
Condo KissTheCook.png
Kiss The Cook (COMING SOON) Cook two items into a delicious meal. None (not unlockable) None
Condo MovingOnUp.png
Moving On Up Purchase some real estate. 1,500 Units None
Condo CondoExplorer.png
Condo Explorer Visit 50 other condos. 10,000 Units None
Condo SpaceRace.png
Space Race Discover new territory in Resort. 5,000 Units Resort
Condo Freeman.png
Freeman Find the maintenance vents in Resort. 5,000 Units Resort
Condo TheEdge.png
The Edge Go to the edge in Smooth Dirt. 5,000 Units Smooth Dirt
Condo Housewarming.png
Housewarming Knock on the neighbor's door at nighttime in House. 5,000 Units House
Condo GoingDown.png
Going Down Ride the elevator in Highrise. 5,000 Units Highrise
Condo UnderPressure.png
Under Pressure Use the airlock in Underwater. 5,000 Units Underwater
Condo Tree.png
Tree Discover the odd tree in Underwater. 5,000 Units Underwater
Condo MysteriousHatch.png
Mysterious Hatch Discover a strange hatch in Underwater. 5,000 Units Underwater
Condo LightsOut.png
Lights Out Turn off all the lights in Art Studio. 5,000 Units Art Studio


  • General
    • Normal Catsacks Opened
    • Silver Catsacks Opened
    • Gold Catsacks Opened
    • Cosmic Catsacks Opened
    • Condos Visited
    • Total Items Placed in Condo
  • Playtime
    • Time Spent Watching TV
    • Time Spent Having a Party
    • Time Spent Drunk
  • User Ratings*
    • Hearts
    • Gears
    • Brushes
    • Coins

*User ratings are currently unimplemented, so all User Ratings stats do nothing for now.


Condos have no leaderboards.