Weapons (Virus)

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At the start of every round in Virus, the Survivors are given a large assortment of weapons that they can use to kill the Infected. The weapons given to Survivors each round are random, but every Survivor gets the same weapons. The Infected can be head shot which deals double damage, but it can be tricky to do.

Slot 1 (shotguns)

Weapons that can appear in slot 1. One of these are randomly given to all players each round.

Icon Name Misc. Info Clip Size Reserved Ammo Damage
Double Barrel icon
Double Barrel
  • Right click will fire both shots at once. This has a higher spread than shooting one at a time.
  • Shoots 8 pellets per shot.
2 24 20 x 8
Sonic Shotgun icon
Sonic Shotgun
  • Right click charges an airblast, which knocks back nearby Infected.
    • Airblast has 10 ammo, and consumes 1 with each use.
  • Shoots 4 pellets per shot.
4 36 18 x 4

Slot 2 (handguns)

Weapons that can appear in slot 2. One or two of these are randomly given to all players each round.

Icon Name Misc. Info Clip Size Reserved Ammo Damage
Handgun icon
  • This weapon and Sci-fi Handgun draw from the same ammo pool.
12 40 25
Dual Silencers icon
Dual Silencers
  • Left click to fire left gun, right click to fire right gun.
  • Each gun doesn't actually have a different magazine, so you can fire the same gun 36 times.
36 72 18
Sci-fi Handgun icon
Sci-fi Handgun
  • This weapon and Handgun draw from the same ammo pool.
  • Fire key can be held down for rapid fire.
5 47 29
Flak Handgun icon
Flak Handgun
  • Shoots 4 pellets with a high spread per shot.
1 3 100 x 4

Slot 3 (automatic weapons)

Slot 3 is reserved for automatic weapons. One of these are randomly given to all players each round.

Icon Name Misc. Info Clip Size Reserved Ammo Damage
Tommy Gun icon
Tommy Gun 60 120 22
Plasma Autorifle icon
Plasma Autorifle
  • Right click charges a laser which deals 150 damage on hit.
    • Laser has 10 ammo, and consumes 1 with each use.
25 75 Primary fire: 12

Secondary fire: 150

Slot 4 (power weapons)

Slot 4 is reserved for weapons which can quickly take out Infected, but have a low amount of uses. One of these are randomly given to all players each round.

Icon Name Misc. Info Clip Size / # of Uses Reserved Ammo Damage
TNT icon
  • On use, drops TNT on the floor. The detonation radius can only be seen by the player who dropped the TNT.
  • Once an Infected walks on the TNT, it will detonate after a small delay, damaging any Infected caught in the blast radius.
    • The blast radius is larger than the detonation radius.
  • If the survivor who placed the TNT is infected, the TNT will detonate automatically.
  • Survivors can pick up their placed TNT by interacting with it.
1 0 150
Crossbow icon
Crossbow Can zoom in with right click. 6 0 120

Slot 5 (adrenaline)

Slot 5 is reserved for Adrenaline. All survivors are guaranteed to get one Adrenaline every round. It can be quickly activated by pressing C.

Icon Name Misc. Info # of Uses Reserved Uses Damage
Adrenaline's milestone icon
  • On use, gives the survivor a significant speed boost for 15 seconds.
  • The speed boost is large enough to enable the survivor to outrun enraged Infected.
1 0 N/A


Icon Name Description Reward
Long Shot icon
Long Shot Kill an infected from a long distance. 1,500 Units
Shell Aware icon
Shell Aware Kill 2 infected with Double Barrel without reloading. 5,000 Units
Explosive Pyrotechnics icon
Explosive Pyrotechnics Explode 30 infected with TNT. 1,500 Units
Dynamite Combo icon
Dynamite Combo Kill 2 infected with a single TNT. 1,500 Units
Druggie icon
Druggie Use adrenaline 30 times. 10,000 Units
Overdose icon
Overdose Pump adrenaline in your veins while being the last survivor. 1,500 Units


Overview of Virus's weapons and gameplay
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