Planet Panic!

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Planet Panic! is an upcoming Game World.

Planet Panic used to be playable since Tower Unite's early access release, but as of the update, it has been temporarily disabled until the Game World's beta release.


Note that this describes Planet Panic's gameplay before it was removed. When its beta version releases, its gameplay could differ from how it is described here.

Cats & Dogs

Players are divided into two teams: Cats and Dogs. Players can choose which team they wish to be in before the round begins.


Every player drives a UFO that can shoot large, yellow bullets. They can take 3 hits before dying. When players die, they will drop all the orbs they were holding, and will have to wait a few seconds to respawn.

Collecting Orbs

25 orbs will appear in the center of the map when the round begins. To collect them, run over them. Players can carry up to 4 orbs at a time. Orbs can be dropped with space key.

The goal of Planet Panic is to drop as many of these orbs as possible on the team's base, similar to the game of capture the flag. Players can take the opposite team's orbs from their base and viceversa.

The team with the most orbs in their base at the end of the round wins.

All Maps

Released Maps

In Hillside, the cats and dogs try to compete for the most orbs collected by taking orbs from a platform in a river dividing their bases apart. However, there are bridges across the river, and the only thing protecting their bases is a small brick wall.

Upcoming Maps

In Fort, the cats and dogs fight each other at their kingdoms' castles, which are conveniently across a small bridge from each other. Both teams must take as many orbs to their castles as possible from the bridge dividing their castles, while defending their castle from getting robbed. View progress of Fort here!


Left Clicking shoots out a yellow bullet which can damage enemies.

Right clicking drops an orb that is being held by the player's UFO.

Game Worlds
General Features Game World PortsUpgradesWorkshop Map Editor
Game Worlds Ball RaceMinigolfVirusLittle CrusadersZombie MassacreAccelerateSlaughterday Night Live
Upcoming Game Worlds Horror HillPlanet Panic! • TBA Game World