Infected (Virus)

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The Infected are one of the two teams in Virus. Only one player is selected as the first Infected each round.


The Infected's goal is to infect every Survivor before the round ends. The Infected run slightly faster than Survivors and can only kill survivors by running into them or by slashing them. The Infected can see where every Survivor is at all times by looking at their outlines, making it easier to intersect them when they're running away.

However, the Infected can be detected by the Survivors' geiger counters, appear on their minimaps, and have a bright green glow around them that the Survivors can use to detect when an Infected player is near. Survivors can also outrun Infected for a short time by using their adrenaline. When killed, Infected will need to wait 2 seconds before being respawned

First Infected

At the start of a round, one player is chosen to be the first Infected, and must infect all of the other players and convert them into Infected. If the first Infected is killed without infecting anyone, they will become enraged. The first infected will also have 150 HP (up from 100) until a Survivor is infected.



The Infected can infect Survivors in two different ways:

1. Touch

The Infected can infect Survivors by running into them.

2. Slash (Left Click)

The Infected can also infect Survivors by slashing forward at them.


If the first Infected is killed without having infected anyone, they will become enraged. While enraged, they recieve a significant speed boost and more health, until they infect a Survivor.


  • All Infected wear either red or black shorts.
  • According to Tower Unite's Indiegogo page, the Infected run faster than Survivors due to "newly accelerated weight loss."
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