Hospital (Virus)

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Hospital is a Virus map.


Hospital is set in the first floor of a hospital.

The waiting room (assumed to be the south end of the map) is the largest room in the map, with rows of chairs obstructing movement. It has two doorways leading to the map's two longest hallways, a bathroom leading to another hallway to the west, and two ramps leading to a second floor ledge and hallway. Players can enter the room behind the check-in counter and walk over it through an entrance in the hallways.

In the Hospital's hallways, there are two enterable operating rooms, an office, and a cafeteria. The cafeteria and the operating room closest to the waiting room have broken windows that players can pass through. The other operating room and cafeteria are located west and the office is located east. A wall panel and lockers block sightlines in the long west hallway, and a staircase leads to the second floor hallway near the office.

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