Steam Trading Cards

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Tower Unite has 6 Steam trading cards, 6 badges, 3 profile backgrounds, and 5 emoticons.

Trading Cards

3 trading cards are given to players for free for every 45 minutes of playtime. The rest need to be obtained through creating booster packs, trading on Steam, or using Steam's Community Market. There are also foil cards which can be rarely obtained through booster packs or purchased from the Community Market.

Card Name Description Large Image
Trading Card Khromidro.png
Khromidro Friends racing around the low poly nation that’s sweeping the nation.
Trading Card large Khromidro.jpg
Trading Card Sweet Tooth.png
Sweet Tooth The sweetest place on earth to golf.
Trading Card large Sweet Tooth.jpg
Trading Card Arcade Prizes.png
Arcade Prizes You and your pals will explore the vast cosmos of the universe.
Trading Card large Arcade Prizes.jpg
Trading Card Little Crusaders.png
Little Crusaders The knights and Cornelius debate the proposition of the Kingdom Minigolf resort expansion.
Trading Card large Little Crusaders.jpg
Trading Card Kalleira.png
Kalleira She's brewin' up some magical experiences.
Trading Card large Kalleira.jpg
Trading Card Hospital.png
Hospital Best friends torn apart from a life altering touch. But there’s no use crying over infected catsacks.
Trading Card large Hospital.jpg


When one of each trading card is obtained, they can be spent to create a badge. The badge can be upgraded 4 times, and there is a special badge for crafting using all foil cards.

Image Name Level
Badge 1 Plaza Visitor.png
Plaza Visitor 1
Badge 2 Condo Creator.png
Condo Creator 2
Badge 3 Game World Enthusiast.png
Game World Enthusiast 3
Badge 4 Minigame Master.png
Minigame Master 4
Badge 6 Tower MVP.png
Tower M.V.P. 5
Badge Foil Cosmic Catsack.png
Cosmic Catsack Foil

Profile Backgrounds

Profile backgrounds can be obtained by crafting badges or purchased at the Steam Points shop for 500 points each.


Emoticons can be obtained by crafting badges or purchased at the Steam Points shop for 100 points each.