Nimbus (Ball Race)

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Nimbus is a medium Ball Race map.



Level 1 starts with a wide platform, with a series of ramps leading down and to the left to a half-pipe and through a spinning glass pipe to reach the finish. The start of the level has a short ramp that will drop players straight to the end of the level.


Level 2 starts with a speed boost ramp leading to a right turn. Past this point there are two paths to reach the end of the level. One is a teleporter which leads to an isolated platform with another teleporter leading to the end of the level, and the other are two moving platforms with bumpers placed beside them, which lead down a ramp to the end of the level.


Players roll through a slope onto a boost pad, shooting them through two rapidly moving walls. Players take a right turn to ride a moving platform with a bumper in the center and two bumpers revolving it to reach the end.


Players start on an isolated platform with an upward ramp in front of it. Players drop down to a straight platform, and take a right avoiding 2 swinging hammers to reach the end.


This level starts with a right turn and through a line of 4 swinging platforms. Next, players roll down a steep slope sprinkled with bumpers to reach the end.


Level 6 starts with a straight path with large holes, as well as moving platforms which cover the holes periodically. Past this, players roll through various thin winding paths to reach the end. The second Golden Melon is located on the far right side of this level, at the edge of a 1-shaped set of tiles.


Level 7 starts with a short right turn onto a giant boost ramp, leading to another boost ramp. The second ramp leads to a long set of moving platforms leading to the finish, although players can just roll straight to the finish after being launched.


Level 8 starts with a left turn, leading to a shorter U-shaped platform starting with a horizontally spinning hammer, and two swinging hammers in the center. Past the hammers, players roll right down a bumper-covered ramp to the end.


Level 9 starts with a choice between two identical paths that lead to a boost ramp. The third and final Golden Melon is hidden under the ramp. The ramp leads to a platform with a teleporter. The teleporter quickly leads players through a set of 3 other teleporters and directly to the end of the level.


Level 10 starts with a boost ramp shooting players through a half-pipe that scoops players to a set of two horizontally spinning hammers. Players have to roll through a thin platform while avoiding the hammer to reach the end of the level.


Icon Name Description Reward
Visited Nimbus.jpg
Visited Nimbus Completed Nimbus. 1,500 Units
Nimbus Master.jpg
Nimbus Master Completed Nimbus 10 times. 5,000 Units
Nimbus Collector.jpg
Nimbus Collector Collected 500 melons in total on Nimbus. 10,000 Units
Nimbus Hidden Treasure.jpg
Nimbus Hidden Treasure Discovered the 3 golden melons on Nimbus. 5,000 Units
King of Nimbus.jpg
King of Nimbus Completed Nimbus without dying once (excluding bonus stages). 25,000 Units
Nimbus Conquered.jpg
Nimbus Conquered Completed Nimbus 30 times. 10,000 Units


  • Nimbus was originally featured in GMod Tower.
    • It was originally named Cloud World.
  • Nimbus is the only Ball Race map that lacks a bonus level.
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