Heavenscape (Ball Race)

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Heavenscape is an easy Ball Race map.


Heavenscape is set above a massive reservoir high in the clouds, surrounded by tall walls and trees. The levels themselves are set on floating gardens and pathways paved with white-and-blue tiles, sometimes held up by small clouds.



  • Heavenscape is the first Ball Race map to have levels exclusively made of unique structures rather than modular tiles.
  • Heavenscape is the second Ball Race map to have its own unique finish ring for every level, the first being Event Horizon.
    • The doorframe finish rings share some similarities with the doorframe in the final level of Oasis and a doorframe portal in hole 17 of Mushroom Wood.
Ball Race
Game Mechanics MelonsObstacles
Maps NimbusMidoriParadiseMemoriesGLXYSummitPrismKhromidroOasisEvent HorizonWoodlandsHeavenscapeEruption
Upgrades Ball ShapesMaterialsGlassPickups
Collection Book Milestones, Badges, TrophiesAchievementsStatsLeaderboards