Obstacles (Ball Race)

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Ball Race maps feature various obstacles and other features for players to use and avoid.

Map-Specific Obstacles

Image Name Function Appears On
Bloop Blocks.PNG
Bloop Blocks Bloop blocks appear and vanish, often in tune with the music. Appears as a colored sphere while vanished. Prism
Trampoline Prism.PNG
Trampolines Bounces the player when rolled on. Prism
Boost Rings.PNG
Boost Ring Similar to the Boost Pad, but can boost players up mid-air. Event Horizon
Trampoline Event Horizon.PNG
Jump Star A star-shaped variant of the Trampoline. Event Horizon
Oasis Maze.PNG
Maze Appears on level 10 of Oasis; has a randomized layout each time the map is played. Oasis
Woodlands Sludge.PNG
Toxic Sludge Kills the player when stepped on. Woodlands
Laser Bridge.PNG
Laser Bridge Appears and disappears every few seconds. Players can roll onto it. Memories
Ball Race Tornado.PNG
Tornado Slowly lifts players up when nearby. Khromidro

Reoccurring Obstacles

Image Name Function Appears On
Boost Pad.PNG
Boost Pads Speeds up the player while rolled on. Nimbus, GLXY, Woodlands, Summit, Oasis, Paradise, Memories, Event Horizon, Midori
Ball Race Bumper.PNG
Bumper Event Horizon.PNG
Bumper Bounces the player back if they roll into it. Nimbus, Oasis, Event Horizon, Memories
Attractor Pulls the player toward it. Memories, Midori, Event Horizon
Repeller Pushes the player away from it. Memories, Midori, Event Horizon
Button Pushed.PNG
Button Allows players to progress the level when stepped on. Paradise, Prism
Falling Rock Woodlands.PNG
Falling Rock Oasis.PNG
Falling Rock Pushes players that it hits. Oasis, Woodlands
Hammer Woodlands.PNG
Hammer Rapidly swings or spins, launching players that it hits. Nimbus, Woodlands
Vanishing Platform.PNG
Vanishing Platforms Platform that remains invisible until the player is nearby. Memories, Paradise
Ball Race
Game Mechanics MelonsObstacles
Maps NimbusMidoriParadiseMemoriesGLXYSummitPrismKhromidroOasisEvent HorizonWoodlandsHeavenscapeEruption
Upgrades Ball ShapesMaterialsGlassPickups
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