Trainyard (Zombie Massacre)

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Trainyard is an easy Zombie Massacre map set in West Virginia, USA.


Days 1-5

Trainyard is a very open-ended map. It's shaped like a giant horizontal rectangle. The north side of the map is blocked by a giant wall, south is blocked by a parked train, west is blocked by parked trains and wooden barricades, and east is blocked by a trainwreck.

Some trains are parked in the map's boundaries, adding a slight obstacle to take note of. There are also two rectangular tarp walls at the southwest and northeast parts of the map. Rails near the north and south center parts of the map have makeshift wooden bridges placed on them.

The helicopter lands at the concrete platform at the west end of the map.

Day 6

Day 6 is set in an arena on top of a building near the trainyard. Most of the arena is taken up by a basketball court, which has tall fences surrounding it. The corners of the court all have entrance points, though.



Icon Name Description Reward
Survived Trainyard's icon
Survived Trainyard Completed Trainyard. 1,500 Units
Mastered Trainyard's icon
Mastered Trainyard Completed Trainyard 10 times. 5,000 Units


  • Trainyard is a returning map from GMod Tower.
    • In GMod Tower, the trains moved on the tracks, killing any zombies and players that they hit.
  • Trainyard is the only Zombie Massacre map to have a sequel map (Nightyard).
  • Trainyard is currently the only Zombie Massacre map that is not set at night.
Zombie Massacre
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Maps TrainyardGasolineCompoundVillageNightyardAcrophobia
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