Compound (Zombie Massacre)

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Compound is a hard Zombie Massacre map set in an abandoned army compound at Northwest Washington, USA.


Days 1-5

Players spawn at the southwest end of the compound, which leads straight up and to the right, connecting to the center of the compound.

The center of the compound is very open, with just a small fence and trash pile at the west and east edges of it, respectively. The center area leads south into a long U-shaped path, and east to an 8-shaped path. It's safest to stay at the center of the map, but it's not too difficult to survive sticking to the south and east portions of the map either.

Day 6

The boss arena is a large , square-shaped space just outside of the compound. There is a building at the northwest side of the arena, and a large dirt circle takes up most of the arena's space. There is some foliage at the edges of the arena.



Icon Name Description Reward
Survived Compound's icon
Survived Compound Completed Compound. 1,500 Units
Mastered Compound's icon
Mastered Compound Completed Compound 10 times. 5,000 Units
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