Nightyard (Zombie Massacre)

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Nightyard is a very hard Zombie Massacre map.


Nightyard is a nighttime version of Trainyard, with modifications to the layout, such as fallen train cars, for increased difficulty. As revealed at the start of day 1, the map takes place shortly after hurricane Shera hits Trainyard.


Days 1-5

Nightyard's layout is a modified version of Trainyard's. The train cars have moved places entirely, creating new obstructions and heavily reducing the amount of open areas in the map. The northwest corner of the map down to the concrete platform are blocked off entirely due to a collapsed bridge.

Along with the layout changes, the map is very dark, requiring a flashlight to see most incoming zombies.

Day 6

Nightyard shares the same basketball court boss arena as Trainyard, although with the same nighttime and stormy weather as the first 5 days.


Icon Name Description Reward
Survived Trainyard's icon
Survived Nightyard Completed Nightyard. 10,000 Units
Mastered Trainyard's icon
Mastered Nightyard Completed Nightyard 10 times. 25,000 Units


  • This is the only map where spiders appear outside of the boss arenas with The Queen.
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Maps TrainyardGasolineCompoundVillageNightyardAcrophobia
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