Surprise/Secret Updates

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While PixelTail Games typically is very open with the community on their future update plans, they will occasionally keep something secret until its release, only mentioning that it is being worked on.

Project 12

Project 12 was the codename for the addition of the rooftop of the tower before its release[1]. The bar on the rooftop was named Project 12 as a reference to this.

??? (Theater Condo)

The Theater Condo was kept a secret, being called ??? on Tower Unite's public roadmap. It was revealed to be the Theater condo in the weekly dev log for February 23, 3018.

Project 39 (Resort)

Project 39 was the codename for Resort. It was eventually officially announced to be a remake of Lobby 1 (first mentioned in a dev log on March 23, 2018, but announced sometime before then), which is when the Project 39 name was dropped.

Project 23 (Lobby 3)

Project 23 was the codename for Lobby 3. Leading up to its announcement and release, boards would be placed nearby buildings around the Plaza stating they would be demolished or relocated due to this project[2], the number of boards increasing as patches to Tower Unite were released.

Volt Nightclub

Unlike most other surprise updates, Volt Nightclub had already been confirmed years before its release, and had images of it revealed in the past. However, PixelTail gave no heads up that they were working on it for months, only teasing "something special" in the dev log for November 9, 2020. It was released in update, along with a trailer for both it and Mystic Grove.

Connectivity Surprise (Condo Hub)

The "connectivity surprise" was announced in the dev log for January 18, 2022, as well as the results for a connectivity survey. Connectivity in this context means making the Plaza, Condos, and Game Worlds feel more connected to each other. The dev log for January 25, 2022 announced that the connectivity surprise would be released in update (later changed to The February 14th, 2022 dev log announced a live stream unveiling this surprise the very next day.

In the live stream on February 15th, the connectivity surprise was revealed to be a large update to the Condo Lobby, which was renamed to the Condo Hub.

Secret Item (Billiards Table)

On August 27, 2022, an item was added to the Tower Unite: Items spreadsheet called "SECRET". It has the item ID #2526. There was no information filled out about it (description, tags, etc), so its identity was completely unknown.

With the launch of the Casino: Phase 2 public beta, this item was revealed to be the playable Billiards Table, sold at The Toy Stop.

Unannounced Condo Feature (Libretro Game Emulation)

When update was added to the Tower Unite Roadmap, an "Unannounced Condo Feature" was listed as one of the inclusions in the update; closer to the update's release, however, the feature was delayed[3] to update Over the course of and's development, 22 unnamed items were added to Tower Unite's item spreadsheet, which received cryptic placeholder names on Steam, visible via SteamDB.

Once released, the feature was revealed to be Libretro game emulation, the hidden items being the game consoles, arcade cabinets, and cartridge which came along with it.

  3. "also, we will announce the unannounced condo feature after the holidays. unfortunately we've been struggling with some build issues and had to push the new feature back until after the holidays. we're really excited to share with you all what it is. sorry for the disappointing news. in the meantime, we've been adding some additional condo IO features" - macdguy