Hinderance (Slaughterday Night Live)

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Hinderance is a map for Slaughterday Night Live.



Hinderance takes place in the ancient ruins of an advanced civilization, reclaimed by lush greenery and mushrooms. Man-made stone tiles and metal platforms make up most of the map's layout, wall art can be seen on various cliff walls, there are floating pillars in the map, and there is a massive broken arch floating above the map.


Hinderance's layout consists of four large rooms with several distinct layers of elevation connected by various doorways, stone arches, and corridors. This layout description assumes that the room with the waterfall is in the northeast corner of the map.

The southwest room's highest level consists of 4 separated stone platforms which connect to two doorways into the southeast room, and one doorway that leads to the northwest room. The mid-level contains a small tunnel leading to the southeast room and a small archway that can be jumped through to reach the mid-level of the northwest room. The lowest level contains two entrances to the southeast lava pit and a massive stone arch leading into the northwest room.

The northwest room's highest level has three platforms; one L-shaped platform connecting to the southwest and northeast rooms, another L-shaped platform connecting to the northeast room with a drop down to a small northern corridor, and a small grassy cliff not directly connected to anything. On the mid-level, there is a stone balcony area surrounding a small lava pit, a hole in an arch containing a Super-Weapon pickup, and two upper platforms that can be double jumped onto: one connects to the northern corridor, which leads into the southeast room, and the other has a launch pad that launches players into the upper level of the room. The lowest level of the room contains another massive stone arch to the northeast room.

The northeast room's upper level contains a U-shaped platform connecting to the northwest and southeast rooms, a small balcony connecting to the northwest room, and a long balcony connecting to a cave entrance that leads to one small exit back into the northeast room and two large exits into the southeast room. The mid-level contains a balcony connecting to the small northern corridor, an entrance to the northwest room, and an upper metal grated platform connecting to the southeast room. The lowest level has two doorways to the southeast lava pit and a portal that connects to the eastern cave.

The southeast room's upper level has a T-shaped metal platform connecting to the northeast and southwest rooms, two entrances into the eastern tunnel, and a grassy balcony leading to the southwest room. The mid-level has a grassy L-shaped platform connecting to the southwest and northeast rooms, as well as a spiral staircase leading to the upper level of the room. The lowest level has a large lava pit that rapidly damages players who fall into it, as well as stone platforms surrounding it that connect to the southwest and northeast rooms.


Hinderance has two red explosive barrels in the southwest and northeast rooms, and several loose stone tiles around the map, that can be picked up and thrown by the Grav Glove weapon. Most doorways in the map have lanterns hanging above them that can be knocked down by shooting them, which causes them to explode on contact with the ground.


There are two health pickups placed in the eastern cave, the uppermost gap in the platforms connecting the southwest and southeast rooms, and the northern U-shaped corridor; there is also a single health pickup on the ledge in the southeast room connecting to the northern corridor. The southeast lava pit has 3 armor, 1 health, and 1 ammo pickup placed on its surrounding platforms. There are two armor pickups in the upper doorway connecting the southwest and northwest rooms, and there is one armor pickup in the northern U-shaped corridor.

There are two Super Weapon pickups: 1 in the stone arch in the middle of the northwest room, and one on the highest stone platform in the northeast room, connected directly to one of the cave entrances.

For CTF, the Blue Vipers' flag is in the corner of the lowest level of the northwest room, and the Crimson Dragons' flag is on the upper metal platform in the southeast room. The Oddball spawns directly under the metal grated platform in the northeast room.


Slaughterday Night Live
Upgrades TBA
Features Weapons
Maps FrostbiteMeadowsHinderanceDecommissionContainer Ship
Maps (upcoming) LookoutSkylineDisposal
Collection Book AchievementsStatsLeaderboards
  1. https://discord.com/channels/93925271886897152/868643125046956032/1147282868171722863 "hinderance is supposed to be using the moon city song as placeholder, im still working on it" - will