Disposal (Slaughterday Night Live)

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Disposal is a map in development for Slaughterday Night Live, based on the Virus map, Corrosion.[1] It may have evolved into Skyline over time, as evidenced by the similar blockout colors and grates between the two maps' screenshots.


Disposal has a massive acid pit that makes up a majority of the map, with a winding series of catwalks hanging over it. There is at least one large side room that directly connects to the acid pit catwalks, as well as a potential second room that may actually be a window into an unaccessible area.

Slaughterday Night Live
Upgrades TBA
Features Weapons
Maps FrostbiteMeadowsHinderanceDecommissionContainer Ship
Maps (upcoming) LookoutSkylineDisposal
Collection Book AchievementsStatsLeaderboards
  1. https://forums.pixeltailgames.com/t/weekly-dev-log-for-may-8th-2023/47710#sdnl-new-game-world-4 "@Nuclearxpotato continued working on a new map, Disposal, which is based off the Virus map, Corrosion."