Frostbite (Slaughterday Night Live)

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Frostbite is a map for Slaughterday Night Live.


It is assumed that the north side of the map contains the Barracks and ravine, and the south side contains the trapezoidal storage sheds.


Frostbite takes place at an Antarctic research base. The edges of the map are marked with chain link fences and icy cliffs lined with wooden scaffolds, and human structures are dotted around the map. Some pine trees are sprinkled around the outskirts of the map and on top of the cliffs. Dirt roads sprawl around the map, leading to its various structures. A basement area connected to the central comms center houses various control panels and a small aquifer cave.


Frostbite is large, open, and roughly rectangular in shape. The largest building in the map (the Comm Center) sits at the center. The Comm Center has a basement containing an entrance to a set of maintenance tunnels that connects to a depression in the terrain taking up most of the west side of the map; there is a half-built building further west as well.

In the south side of the map, there are four trapezoidal storage sheds (the furthest to the east is closed) which are connected inside by small corridors and outside by metal walkways on the roofs. One of the sheds contains a hatch doorway to drop down into the maintenance tunnels, and the closed shed has a staircase outside to provide access to the roofs. The east side of the map contains a steep incline with a launch pad perched on top, which provides access to a small part of the cliffs' wooden scaffolds.

On the north side of the map, there are two red buildings (the Barracks and Command Center) with accessible balconies, as well as a U-shaped ravine cutting into the northern cliff that contains a few small frozen ponds and a tall platform (accessible via launchpad) that provides access to part of the cliffs' scaffolds.


Frostbite has # pairs of portals primarily used for connecting opposite sides of the map.

  • Basement (long corridor) <-> Ravine Platform
  • Northwest Balcony <-> Southwest Corner
  • Southeast Incline <-> Northwest Ice Arch (near Barracks/Command Center)
  • Behind Command Center <-> Western Half-Built Building


Frostbite has several destructible elements, most notably the wooden crates, cryo-barrels, and pipe valves, which players can pick up and throw with the Grav Glove weapon. Other destructibles include windows, indicator lights, ceiling lamps, computer monitors, and the sci-fi crates' screens. Red crates, toolboxes, and tires are not destructible, but can be picked up by the Grav glove.



  • Frostbite is a returning map from GMod Tower, where it was originally named 'Frost Bite.' Tower Unite's version has been remade from the ground up, but retains the general large scale and layout of the original.
    • The Comm Center was present as a large satellite dish and had the same basement floor with ramps on the west and east sides. The basement maintenance halls used to be a cave with icy walls and a slippery floor. The half-built shelter and old mine entrance were present in the same location, but the shelter was originally a half-demolished wood cabin. The depression in the ground was much smaller and only contained a truck and some oil barrels. The ravine's frozen ponds used to be in the center, rather than off to the side.
    • The trapezoidal storage sheds, the launch pads, the upper scaffolds, and the Barracks buildings are all new additions to Tower Unite; the new buildings' locations used to be flat terrain and the cliffs were not part of the map layout at all, only serving to mark the map's boundaries.
    • The trapezoidal storage sheds were not present in GMod Tower at all. GMod Tower had a wooden watchtower at the eastern end of the map which was removed in Tower Unite.
    • GMod Tower's version of Frostbite had a wooden watchtower at the eastern end of the map, which was not included in Tower Unite. However, the slope in Tower Unite provides a somewhat similar function by providing access to the cliff scaffolds, which are the highest vantage point in the map.
Slaughterday Night Live
Upgrades TBA
Features Weapons
Maps FrostbiteMeadowsHinderanceDecommissionContainer Ship
Maps (upcoming) LookoutSkylineDisposal
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