Patch history

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Every major update that has been released for Tower Unite, as well as information on the current and next updates, is shown on this page.

Check out what the developers are working on at the following links:

Version Numbers

Version numbers are always in a X.X.X.X format. The numbers mean:

Release Candidate . Major Release . New Feature/Map . Patch/Bug Fix

  • Release candidate means whether the game is ready to be released out of early access. When the game exits early access, this number will be changed to a 1.
  • Major release means that a new major addition is added, such as new Game Worlds or a new activity in the Plaza.
  • New feature/map means that a new Game World map or relatively minor feature is added, such as Arcade Phase 2, Condo IO Phase 1, or Minigolf: Mushroom Wood.
  • Patch/Bug Fix means that the update consists of bug fixes, or minor changes.

Patch History

A list of all major updates, from newest (top) to oldest (bottom). Upcoming updates and closed alpha builds (2015-2016) are not included.